Question for All You Old Farts

Yes. I’m 48 and still bench teh 275 easily. 300+ when my elbow isn’t screwed up. Squatted for the first time in months with my repaired Achilles and still got up to 365 before my hamstring started to object.
Define old? I'm 39 and I've never been stronger or in better shape in my life. I'd kick the shit out of younger me

I'm in my mid-50s & it's a matter of retaining the core strength that you built when you were younger. If you led a sedentary life & you didn't do anything strenuous your entire life you're going to likely be rather frail when you get older. But if you physically trained your entire life then you're going to be pretty strong when you get older.
Yes ofc it’s real you keep getting stronger until you die that’s why weight lifting competitions are capped at age and the strongest man to ever live was 117
"The old lion does not grow old by being soft."

- Old African Proverb
Its more about the fact that old guy know how to use it

That life experience
I think what people call old man strength is simply an older man who knows a lot better his body and knows how to apply, distribute, effectively use all of his body and more (confidence, experience, many many things) to apply strength to a specific task... and young idiots are like "ohhh old man strength wow its a power ohhh" its simply an older man knowing how to use his body more effectively... Lebron James (or any athlete you prefer) wont ever have more strength at 45 than at 25...but I bet he will know how to use his body more effectively... and for a younger idiot it will seem as strength , thats all
Is old man strength a real thing? And if so, when can I expect to get it?

Yeah, its' true. Old men who train in BJJ are still there for a reason. All the 20 year old blue belts quit, beware of the old brown belt. lol! He hasn't been through years of hell on the mat to just quit. A 54 year old kicked my ass yesterday.
Yes, just eat your Brokkoli and it will come.