Question about Professional Athletes on Roids.

Yeah I’m not saying it’s chemical addiction but I’ve known some to act the same way, but from different reason.

One you get sick as fuck and can’t function the other their brain tells them they can’t lift or perform without it so go hunting it with the same fury as the other.

Yeah that and a crappy PCT will do it for you, more hormonal ups and downs than a yo-yo.......
I think GSP is natty, he seems like the type that naturally has a fast metabolism and just works out all the time his ENTIRE life.

I had a similar build to him when I was younger playing sports and kickboxing. I worked out all the time, and had a very active lifestyle.

If you keep it up all the time you don’t need roids to look like he does.

I’ve only taken off the shelf supplements and got up to 230ish ripped at my biggest. 245 not so ripped on a bulking kick when younger and 260 fat with that bulk still before deciding I wanted to be lighter again.

I think healthy 205 is perfect for my body type and isn’t all that hard to accomplish.

But to answer the op’s question I ha e some training partners that went the roid route, and they get a mental block off cycle, it’s like they need it to function at any kind of output level.

Almost like a Herion addict needs it to function.
I believe you but you werent doing the massive amounts of cardio, aerorobic and anaerobic that these guys do in their kickboxing, mma, bjj, wrestling, sparring, padwork AND weight trainng. Not saying he is or isnt and i like gsp, but i wouldnt be shocked if he was on some shit lets just say that. Yes, you have good genetics for muscle, but if u were doing the workload gsp does or even the average pro mma fighter does, you wouldnt have carried as much mass unless you were juicing.