question about 5x5 routine


Brown Belt
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
when lifting on the 5x5 routine, im confused about the directions listed on the link in the FAQ

When i am lifting, am i working up or down? meaning if 95% of my 5 rep PR is 200 pounds, do i start out lifting 200 pounds? or do i start out with the smallest weight and work up to 200 pounds?

Its confusing as to weather i lift the lightest weight or the heaviest weight first in the routine
I've been here a while, just not in the S & P forum.

thanks for the help
How i interpreted it:
Day 1:
5x5 Bench Press 40%, 55%, 70%, 85%, 100% of new 5 RM. Rest 5 mins before last set.
5x5 Squats 90% of 5 rep max. Rest 5 minutes. *warm up 1-3 sets of 3 reps*
5x5 Dynamic rows 90% of 5 rep max. Rest 5 minutes. *warm up 1-3 sets of 3 reps*

Day 2:
4x5 Military Press 90% of 5 rep max. Rest 3-5 mins. *WU 1-3sets of 3*
5x5 Deadlifts 90% of 5 rep max. Rest 5-7 mins. *WU 1-3 of 3*
5x5 Squats 75% of 5 rep max.
5x5 Pull-ups 90% of 5 rep max. Rest 5 mins here – Currently can’t do a pull tho 

Day 3:
5x5 Bench Press 90% of 5 rep max. Rest 5 each set.
5x5 Squat 40%, 55%, 70%, 85%, 100% of new 5 RM. Rest 5 before last set.
5x5 Dynamic Rows 40%, 55%, 70%, 85%, 100% of new 5 RM. Rest 5 before last set.
Kaboom has it about right. Basically there are volume 5x5 days where you do the same weight 5x5, then there are intensity days where you ramp the weight up and only do your top weight on your last set.