Punch bag help / advice please. It's s tarnge how i can't really find any thing online about regarding bag reviews etc considerin the amount of peopel that own them.
Ran a search, didn't find much.
Anyone in the UK with some good punchbag experience to share? I have a home stand, and need a bag for it.
I'm thinkin quality over price to be honest, but it pains me to spend that ikinda money on a bag. This is the best one I've seen...
Alternatively, this is cheaper but I can't help thinkin that this brand is just like a BBE type cheap and cheerful brand.
Any opinions? I'm interested in quality and obv there's no point getting a cheaper one if it brreaks, but on the other hand I'm not putting it in a club, and I'm not a pro fighter who trains for hours every day... How bad quality REALLY are the cheaper ones lol. (a friend said he had problem with cheaper bags in a local gym (weights gym not mma gym) because the chain straps (holding the bag to the chains) kept breaking.
Ran a search, didn't find much.
Anyone in the UK with some good punchbag experience to share? I have a home stand, and need a bag for it.
I'm thinkin quality over price to be honest, but it pains me to spend that ikinda money on a bag. This is the best one I've seen...
Alternatively, this is cheaper but I can't help thinkin that this brand is just like a BBE type cheap and cheerful brand.
Any opinions? I'm interested in quality and obv there's no point getting a cheaper one if it brreaks, but on the other hand I'm not putting it in a club, and I'm not a pro fighter who trains for hours every day... How bad quality REALLY are the cheaper ones lol. (a friend said he had problem with cheaper bags in a local gym (weights gym not mma gym) because the chain straps (holding the bag to the chains) kept breaking.