i think it depends on the protein source, how many sources, and what foods are consumed along with the protein at this feeding. obviously total absorption for say 60 grams of whey isolate on its own wont be the same as a meal containing 20 grams egg protein, 20 grams whey, and 20 grams casein. factor in the rest of the meal and the question becomes even more vague. we also have to factor in hormonal responses to certain foods as well, as insulin response would likely effect the bodies ability to store amino acids. i think as long as you eat varied protein sources at each meal along with plenty of whole foods, you'll abosrb every bit of protein you can stomach (within reason). i believe the state your body is in will effect this also. logic would suggest that if you are in a depleted state such as early morning or post-workout your ability to absorb the amino acids in protein will be greater than it would be in the middle of the day having already eaten only hours earlier. i have never seen a study that listed a specific number, or even range of available protein absorption, but would love to see something looking further into the subject.