Proof: America is greatest and most free country ever

Skip Reming

Nov 27, 2014
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Ok, so there is a video in rebuttal to a speech in a liberal propaganda movie called Newsroom. This guy takes apart this whole speech and shows how the scene was just liberal hate for america....much like HIllary, Bernie, and Obama have.

It is a 12 minute video and pretty fast paced and interesting. If you don't like steven crowder i don't care, just argue the points he makes in this video.

We are constantly bombarded by assholes saying that america sucks and there are a ton of free countries.
BUT none of them are as free as the USA.

Here is some quick points on Canada
- reverend was banned for writing a letter to a newspaper
"Rev. Stephen Boissoin committed the crime of writing a letter to a local newspaper objecting to various aspects of “the homosexual agenda.” The Alberta “Human Rights” Tribunal convicted him of this crime and imposed a lifetime speech ban preventing him, in essence, from saying anything about homosexuality in public or private ever again anywhere for the rest of his life."
- peacefully assemble and protest banned in quebec
- freedom of press? There is a monopoly on tv news by government funded media

There are various degrees of this in places like England and Germany and etc. Also included they shit on religious freedoms except those of radical Islam.

The scene also tries to assault America on the ground that it is not #1 in every good thing. From education to life expectancy to infant mortality rate.
- high infant mortality rate in the US is debunked myth because we are one of few countries that counts prenatal deaths
- lots of things we have are a result of personal freedoms and such freedom of choice you can overindulge yourself into an early death, we are not dying from starving to death and shit
- freedom allows mediocraty but also fosters the environment for the best of the best
- freedom brings greater variance
- we lead the world in manufacturing and innovation
- USA is #1 on individual patents per capita
- we are most influential country ever in exporting culture, like film art tv music. We dominate foreign charts, they do not dominate ours

The movie bitches about our defense spending
- canada and france and belgium can enjoy their half assed freedom because our miliatary is there to fuck shit up
- we are the greatest peace keepers the world has ever known
- england, germany, and japan are going to lecture us on freedom??? REALLY???

And now about the founding fathers
- We are the only country built for freedom from the ground up
- The founding fathers were brave and principled men, who believed we were given unalienable rights from God that no man has the right to take away. Even if you are an atheist, you should appreciate this because it is saying you should be free and able to pursue liberty because a being higher than man has given it to you. This means no one can take it away. Remember this next time the dems/libs try to destroy the constitution.

The constitution is here to protect the people. Yes, freedom of speech and bear arms are part of this and absolutely necessary despite what hollywood liberals say.
- we give freedom to people not in return for actions, but because it is right

From the declaration of independence (the first line is one of the most beautiful and profound lines ever)

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

conclusion: Amercia fuck yeah. Founding fathers fuck yeah. Anyone shitting on america or the founding fathers fuck you, bitches!

Oh, and fuck Bernie Sanders bitching about the principles we were founded on.
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Lost a lot of respect for Harry Dunne for delivering in that self-hating propaganda. It was red meat for the anti-Americans. Gross.

It's funny how foreigners use the "freedom" thing ironically. We may not be the most nonviolent country. We may not have the best schools. We may not have the cheapest higher education. But we do have lots of freedoms. Show me another country with an average standard of living as high as we have in America that still allows its citizens to own firearms with as little hassle as America? Or with such staunch protection of free speech? Many countries on par with America in terms of standard of living have more restrictive laws regarding "hate speech," for example.

America may be violent and less comfortable for the poor than places in Europe, for example, but it's very free. Free to arm yourself, free to speak, free to keep most of your money, free to fail. I'm okay with that. I'll take maximum liberty and the negative consequences that come with that over moderate liberty with reduced problems.
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- to get a handgun you have to prove your right to self preservation and you will probably get turned down

I know for a fact that isn't true, so I'm just going to assume the rest of that trash you posted is wrong as well.
I like that he addressed the defense budget. Yeah, it's bloated. And all those Europeans benefit from it. While we were busy spending like a drunken sailor to keep the Soviets at bay, Europeans were able to devote their resources to building their societies. If we had withdrawn from Europe the day after WW2 ended, do you think it would look anything like the societies they're so satisfied with today? Of course not. Then, of course, there was the Marshall Plan which not indirectly, like the military savings just mentioned, but directly rebuilt Europe after WW2. So we gave these countries protection as well as actively funded their renewal and progression.

A little gratitude would be nice.
i'm confused - if we're so awesome in america, then how come trump wants to make us great again? doesn't that mean we currently aren't great?

you republicans get kinda sloppy with the propaganda and big boy thoughts.
America is a disgusting war machine, keep invading countries for oil and profit. It's no wonder why everyone hates America.
I know for a fact that isn't true, so I'm just going to assume the rest of that trash you posted is wrong as well.

I think he was addressing this
The coming into force of Bill C-19 removes the requirement to register 'non-restricted' firearms. All firearms classified as 'restricted' or 'prohibited' by law and orders in council in 1934, 1977, 1991, 1996, and subsequently would remain registered and unchanged. A Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL), and the prerequisite exam, is mandatory to purchase or possess any firearm. Hunter education programs are a requirement of all hunters in Canada.

But glad to see you don't have any fucking argument with any source other than "you said so". Don't let the door hit you in the ass as it might jar your brain.

i'm confused - if we're so awesome in america, then how come trump wants to make us great again? doesn't that mean we currently aren't great?

you republicans get kinda sloppy with the propaganda and big boy thoughts.

Trump is not a conservative he is a liberal. The GOP is doing their best to disown him. How about you get educated.

Lost a lot of respect for Harry Dunne for delivering in that self-hating propaganda. It was red meat for the anti-Americans. Gross.


yeah, the whole speech about part about america not being #1 in every category somehow means we are not the best. Well, who is #1 in every fucking category?
I would rather be #29 in education and still have freedom of speech, assembly, own firearms any day.

Hollywood is liberal garbage machine. And all those bernie supporters in hollywood are sure as fuck getting their tax lawyer to pay the least amount of taxes possible.

America is a disgusting war machine, keep invading countries for oil and profit. It's no wonder why everyone hates America.

yep, compare USA vs any country in immigrants and see who immigrates to where more than anyone. See top grossing movies and music and tv world wide. See who enjoys america.

Go to North and South Korea and see who is better off.

If america was not here, sure china would not invade canada and get some of that oil. sure. the world is just altruistic as history has shown again and again---not

Of course, I would expect you to come in here with no evidence of anything.
Trump is not a conservative he is a liberal. The GOP is doing their best to disown him. How about you get educated.

could've fooled me with his running for the republican party, xenophobic policies against muslims and mexicans and general stupidity. seems very republican to me.
I think he was addressing this
The coming into force of Bill C-19 removes the requirement to register 'non-restricted' firearms. All firearms classified as 'restricted' or 'prohibited' by law and orders in council in 1934, 1977, 1991, 1996, and subsequently would remain registered and unchanged. A Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL), and the prerequisite exam, is mandatory to purchase or possess any firearm. Hunter education programs are a requirement of all hunters in Canada.

But glad to see you don't have any fucking argument with any source other than "you said so". Don't let the door hit you in the ass as it might jar your brain.

You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Nowhere in the prerequisite exams (The CFSC/CRFSC) do you have to "prove your right to self preservation" to obtain a firearm and no, you won't "probably get turned down" unless you have a violent criminal record or something. The government issued over 100,000 firearms licences in the Oct-Dec 2014 period alone, while refusing only 810 applications that year.

Source: I went through these courses myself, I have a R/PAL, I own guns. Something you obviously haven't, so I don't know why you're trying to tell me how it works here.
as a european, my view of half of america atm is like
I think he was addressing this
The coming into force of Bill C-19 removes the requirement to register 'non-restricted' firearms. All firearms classified as 'restricted' or 'prohibited' by law and orders in council in 1934, 1977, 1991, 1996, and subsequently would remain registered and unchanged. A Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL), and the prerequisite exam, is mandatory to purchase or possess any firearm. Hunter education programs are a requirement of all hunters in Canada.

But glad to see you don't have any fucking argument with any source other than "you said so". Don't let the door hit you in the ass as it might jar your brain.

It is super easy to get a handgun licence in Canada as long as you don't have a criminal record and you provide references who vouch for you. It takes a couple of months to process, but it isn't expensive. Actually taking the handgun anywhere but directly from your property to the shooting range is prohibited though, so they are pretty useless.

Hunting courses are great for people who haven't grown up hunting, and the safety they teach (much of it is common sense but people still fail) helps protect themselves and other hunters.

I agree that the US has been the greatest country in the world for the past couple of hundred years, and it is true that without the USA protecting western nations these nations would not have been able to develop into strong countries.
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You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Nowhere in the prerequisite exams (The CFSC/CRFSC) do you have to "prove your right to self preservation" to obtain a firearm and no, you won't "probably get turned down" unless you have a violent criminal record or something. The government issued over 100,000 firearms licences in the Oct-Dec 2014 period alone, while refusing only 810 applications that year.

Source: I went through these courses myself, I have a R/PAL, I own guns. Something you obviously haven't, so I don't know why you're trying to tell me how it works here.

I am trying to point out what I think he is talking about. In regards to the video you have not watched, he is talking about their gun registry. Here we have different gun laws than in canada and the state laws are different.

In most of america you do not need to register your guns and I am guessing Steve is calling canada for requiring gun registration
"Six states and the District of Columbia require registration of some or all firearms. Hawaii and the District of Columbia require the registration of all firearms, and New York requires the registration of all handguns through its licensing law.10 Hawaii, New York and four other states also have a registration system for certain highly dangerous firearms, such as assault weapons. These states generally ban such firearms, but allow the continued possession of grandfathered weapons if they were owned before the ban was adopted and are registered. For more information about such laws, see our summaries on Assault Weapons, 50 Caliber Weapons, and Large Capacity Ammunition Magazines."

I guess you are denying the links I did post to stuff in Canada? Such as the reverend being banned? Is this not happening.

But yes, see one thing you don't agree with and discount the rest.

EDIT: OP edited

could've fooled me with his running for the republican party, xenophobic policies against muslims and mexicans and general stupidity. seems very republican to me.

What xenophobic laws have republicans been making? Care to share?

Who made the Jim Crow laws? Oh, that was the democrats. Who made the KKK? Democrats. Who fought ending slavery? The democrats.
Check out my thread on that.
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Anybody who has seen me post knows I'm fairly Conservative. If you can watch that entire video, the real clip, and dismiss it as nothing more than Liberal trash, you're probably an idiot. Ultra Leftist, "safe Space" Liberals don't generally talk about acting like men, kicking the sh*t out people for moral reasons and not scaring so easy. This is video is nothing more than a call out of the current two party system and the pure, mindless partisan politics it has created on both sides of the isle. Again, if you can't see that the fault is with you, not with this video.
For those of you who want to watch the unedited version without having to listen to the dumb garbage Crowder has to say.
