Elections "Progressive" Democrats ramp up efforts to sideline Nancy Pelosi

Lol Palin is a fucking dingbat moron. Stop defending idiots
Stop electing idiots.

Well, there's you ;)
I know what the three branches of government are.

I wonder if she figured that out yet?

I wonder if she even knows what she was elected to?

They don't teach that stuff in bartending school.
Dude, whoever wins is going to be the devil. It's crazy to me that liberals want to let Republican operatives determine their leadership. I don't recall ever hearing a single Republican saying that they should drop McConnell or Ryan because
Democrats dislike them.

You're getting deep into the conspiracy theories lately.
I know what the three branches of government are.

I wonder if she figured that out yet?

I wonder if she even knows what she was elected to?

They don't teach that stuff in bartending school.

She guevara white knights in this thread

She guevara white knights in this thread

I would say she is the dumbest person alive, but honestly, she is just a typical "progressive." They are a dime a dozen on the left.

God help us if this is the future of America.