@Ignicious I read a book when I was a child - it was about these aliens that impersonate humans, but from time to time they inflate in a coccoon full of fluid, and have to be cut out of it with a special knife. The humans don't know that the aliens are aliens, but the aliens know who each other are, and when the coccoon thing happens they all get together just the aliens gathered in a room to do the procedure. I'm glad you seem to be doing better but your recent large fluid loss just reminded me of this book. I've never been able to find it. If AI keeps improving maybe AI will eventually find it for me. I really like the 'Bodysnatchers' premise. There have been a lot of films using some variation of it. 'The Faculty' (1998) is a good one.
Josh Hartnett, Salma Hayek, Robert Patrick, Summer Phoenix, Jon Stewart, Usher and Elijah Wood ^ were in it. As was Clea Duvall, who didn't go on to be as famous but I thought she was very good. Maybe
@Chules likes her as she's gay, although her character Stokely is actually straight but pretending to be gay.