Locked Prem Euro 2024 Thread v1: England V Spain It's Coming Home Edition

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This is a reductive take. There's an element of subjectivity to the debate though. I think most of the time sending the goalie up is stupid, and it's just been demonstrated why. The chance of him scoring or contributing to a goal is 0.1% and the chance of you looking ridiculous, conceding with an empty net, and losing by an additional goal is maybe 20%. Does that 0.1% outweigh the 20%? If you reduce it to the drawing/winning %age chance, yes. But in the Big Picture, no. At least not the great majority of the time.

Absolute bollocks.

Difference between 2-1 and 3-1 is negligible. Difference between 2-1 and 2-2 could be crucial.

Those 0.1% and 20% figures are from where? Or you just made them up on the spot?????
Absolute bollocks.

Difference between 2-1 and 3-1 is negligible. Difference between 2-1 and 2-2 could be crucial.

Those 0.1% and 20% figures are from where? Or you just made them up on the spot?????
I made them up based on my experience of football. Although when I played rugby we would sometimes have a similar argument, we have a penalty late in the game and are behind, kick or go for a try?
I made them up based on my experience of football. Although when I played rugby we would sometimes have a similar argument, we have a penalty late in the game and are behind, kick or go for a try?


Obviously depends how far behind you are and how much time is left.......4 points behind with a minute to go, obviously you go for the try.

So you think it is 200-1 in terms of the defending team scoring vs the attacking team scoring?
HOLY SHIT :eek: Shocker
Are Portugal about to get a reality Czech? :oops:


Obviously depends how far behind you are and how much time is left.......4 points behind with a minute to go, obviously you go for the try.

So you think it is 200-1 in terms of the defending team scoring vs the attacking team scoring?
Again I disagree. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush and we would usually take the higher chance of three, even if we were behind by more than three. This dilemma comes up in lots of contexts: lose by points in your boxing/MMA fight but not take much damage, or go for the KO and risk getting KOed yourself?
Pull out of Stalingrad when the tide turns against you, accepting a loss, or go for broke and risk a catastrophic loss?
Accept being 15 minutes late for work, or speed and risk getting pulled over/a speeding ticket/head oning someone because you overtook when there wasn't enough time or space?

Of course I don't know what the chance is, you would have to put massive amounts of data through a computer to get the figure. 200-1 is my best guesstimate. Maybe someone has crunched the numbers, if you can find stats post them.
Again I disagree. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush and we would usually take the higher chance of three, even if we were behind by more than three. This dilemma comes up in lots of contexts: lose by points in your boxing/MMA fight but not take much damage, or go for the KO and risk getting KOed yourself?


So take the kick to hopefully lose by 1, as opposed to go for the try to try and win?

Yeah, that's just retarded to the point that it makes your opinion invalid.
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