"power" sprinting question

Not sure about the speed part, but I've heard/read that running uphill forces good form.
My understanding was that it tended to make you take shorter strides, which is the reverse of what most sprinters need to train.
there was a decent post in this thread, but i cant seem to find it. theres a lot of retardation on here whenever sprinting is brought up. defranco, dan john? try charlie francis. anyways, if you want sprints to support your lifting, youll want to use up to 60m (65 yds) with long rests, about a minute for every 10m run. total volume would be between 100 and 300m, depending on your session and work capacity. i dont like to do reps under 20m, but if youre slow it might be ok. hills are good, though i wouldnt recoment going over 30m per rep if you use them. belly starts and falling starts are also good for starting mechanics. it should be noted that accleration will support your lifting the most, but if you want more of a speed stimulus you can do flying sprints, in and outs, and other top speed exercises.