Positive Muslim Stories...

Of the major religions Islam is handily the worst. How many Nobel prizes outside of peace ones have the entire Muslim world gotten? What were the peace ones for again? Sorry. It's maddening.

Do I know Muslims I have been it currently are cool with? No doubt. All men for some weird reason though...I knew one Iranian woman who was a therapist at the same hospital as me. She was American as it gets and left all that shit behind her. I'm sure she'd be well accepted by the others though
Worked in my land with 2 pakistanis handling the chainsaw last year, I still have my head on my neck. I did think that they could easily akbar me if they wanted (the land is very isolated), so I devised an escape plan in my head just in case ahah, silly I know.
el cajon being the 'meth capital of the world' is just as egregious hyperbole as the guy saying it's 80% muslim...

cmon son

the Mojave desert exists, I assure you