Popular quotes that are bullsh--

That's just the way people are , man. Ever notice how everyone always thinks always OTHER people that are stupid .....or assholes or whatever ? Doesn't even enter into the realm of possibility that you're the idiot or the asshole . That's one the of the biggest problems I have with the all the misanthropic emo horseshit people tend to spew , its almost always done with an air of obliviousness.

Honest appraisal of ourselves and people we care about really is one of the rarest things around.

I agree with you.

If I'm every in a fight or confrontation, I like to at least be able to back up my assertion with logic. Not saying I'm always right, just that I can at least in my head make an argument for why I'm right, I'm never an asshole for no reason. Ever had someone do something fucked up to you in traffic and have the nerve to give YOU the finger?! How do they justify not being the bad guy in their head?

Once again, I digress though.
I actually have to tell this to people all the time.

They wonder why they didn't get that promotion, and when I tell them is because they've made a reputation for themselves of being difficult to work with, they're like, "well that's just they're perception. They're wrong. I'm easy to work with."

That's when I have to break out the perception is reality thing. And tell them maybe everyone else is wrong, but you'll never get promoted until you change their perception of you.

I think it's only a bad quote when is applied incorrectly.

To be fair you can say the same thing about most these quotes , there's a grain of truth and obvious exceptions .
Not necessarily a quote, but when people say "Well maybe this is a sign we shouldn't do..." It's always some stupid shit just used as an excuse like traffic making you late.
I agree with you.

If I'm every in a fight or confrontation, I like to at least be able to back up my assertion with logic. Not saying I'm always right, just that I can at least in my head make an argument for why I'm right, I'm never an asshole for no reason. Ever had someone do something fucked up to you in traffic and have the nerve to give YOU the finger?! How do they justify not being the bad guy in their head?

Once again, I digress though.

About The traffic thing , people tend to judge others on their actions and themselves by their intent. In other words , you might've forgotten to signal or pulled out a little close to someone because you're distracted trying to find an address or worried about your sick grandmother or whatever , totally innocuous and non aggressive. When the other guy does the same thing , possibly for the same reason , clearly he's a degenerate piece of shit that cut you off on purpose and deserves the firing squad .......... clearly.

I guarantee you that every one of us has been perceived ( often correctly ) as the asshole or moron on many occasions.
Not necessarily a quote, but when people say "Well maybe this is a sign we shouldn't do..." It's always some stupid shit just used as an excuse like traffic making you late.

This is why there are 4,200 religions, we have a tendency to seek out what we want and are susceptible to confirmation bias.

"My alarm clock didn't ring, this is a sign that I shouldn't go to xyz".

We'll think of a story of a time someone was late somewhere and avoided a disaster. Or the time we were lucky because we didn't do something. Ignoring all of the millions of times nothing eventful happened when we attended or didn't attend something.
I dont think it means that 90% of our brain is dead waste. I think it refers to the fact that most of the functions of our brain are essentially automated. Only a small amount it is actively controlled by us.
I think most people take it as if the majority of our brain can be unlocked. Something like 40% of the brain is the frontal lobe, so we use almost half our brain for reasoning, personality etc. The rest is being used, for yes, automated functions like keeping us breathing, keeping us in balance, or our hormones regulated. If we had to think about these things aswell we wouldn't have the ability to concentrate on anything else.