Politician kicking ass with judo...

Break his grips!!!!
Old. But funny.

We need more judo in politics. Maybe more people would watch them on TV and they'd get nick's like "Hillary "ChillDog" Cliiiiiintoooon" etc...
This video always makes me laugh. Sometimes, when politicians here in Asia can't agree on something they start fist fighting with each other. Pretty hilarious.
This video always makes me laugh. Sometimes, when politicians here in Asia can't agree on something they start fist fighting with each other. Pretty hilarious.

Here in Canada they verbally assault each other or flip them off. then apologize days later
Thats so bad ass I wish all politicians solved there problems with grappling instead of debates.
An oldie, but a goodie. I wish the clip ran for longer though, looked like it was either gonna get more interesting, or broken up hehe.
I thoroughly enjoyed the video. Little pissed off politician gripping the collar judo style.. Pure gold.
i guess gi training transitions well into the formal suit and tie setting haha
He got dat ass. And, he was about to hip toss the other dude, before it got broken up.
