Poisonous Protein Powders?

i was just telling my friend about this yesterday, it is a shame that more people do not know about this
damn that sucks. Whats worst is that I'm using a unknown Japanese brand of whey because that's all I can buy here. I'll probably be dead in a month...
Yeah, wasn't that about Muscle Milk powder having heavy metals in it???!!??!!1

I guess I'm better off getting a generic from Trader Joe's or Food for Less. Those passed the screenings for metals.
The thing is though that these numbers are for 3 servings of the products tested. Most people only use 1 serving and maybe 2 at the most and that would put them in the safe range.

If the numbers were for a single serving it would be important and alarming but with it being 3 servings I dont see it being a big deal unless you have a crappy diet and dont eat real foods with protein.
1. Never trust a website that offers you a link to where you can buy a "safe alternative." That site is more or less the same as those ridiculous fake reports on the benefits of acai and colon cleanse.

2. The information provided in that article is from Consumer Reports. The information from that publication is refuted Right here
@junkyard dog - yep I agree. when I first saw the amounts I was worried; then realised they were per 3 serves....

@TMMAray Thanks very much for your link; was just what I was after - a logical and coherent article. Much appreciated. Bloody Consumer Reports...not impressed.
Irrational shit like this is the reason people look at me oddly at my job when I say things like 'Well you should definitely eat more then 2 protein servings a day...' or 'Well if you only eat veggies/fruits a few times a week YES you need to take a supplement ... No potatoes do not count'. People always say 'Well my doctor said ...' and I counter with 'He's looking at your prostate with his finger and hasn't been in school for 20 years and I just want to help you put on 5 pounds'. Errrrr end rant? I hate all the shit the government the doctors etc etc say about supplements almost as much as the shit companies that abuse the loose regulation.
I dont know what the problem is , lead is heavy and it makes you put more weight on
this is just a scare tactic to get you to buy their protien but ill tell you hemp protien is good it is more like a whole food and you dont get the bloat that some people get from whey it is actually one of the few seed that are actually a complete protien I believe it also does not have any thc in it. Ive taken it and have passed drug tests
I wonder what % of these protein powders come from China, a country known for putting melamine in baby's formula to create a false high protein reading.