Pls explain the difference between migration and invasion


Brown Belt
Oct 18, 2014
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History is filled with invasions, such as Normandy invading England in 1066. History is also filled with migrations, such as Europeans to America. What distinguishes the migrations from invasions?
Pretty sure the First Nations saw the Europeans as an invasion and not a migration.
I think TS is worried that the Mexicans will come here, push us off our land, and outsmart us into making treaties that they break over and over again until one day they're towel-whipping our poor sunburned bottoms with smallpox blankets all the way to Oklahoma. Don't worry, you Trumpers are not representative of American intelligence, we won't fall for that. We got your back.
History is filled with invasions, such as Normandy invading England in 1066. History is also filled with migrations, such as Europeans to America. What distinguishes the migrations from invasions?

euros to Murka is more like an invasion too. or at least try telling the indians otherwise.
Migration = People I like
Invasion = People I dislike
The European situation is more or less an invasion with no actual resistance because muh feelings.
If you don't naturally see the difference there is probably nothing anyone can do to explain the difference to you.
Anyway, the battle of Stalingrad or siege of Leningrad or d-day were part of an invasion. Something that is forced upon you via violence.
A bunch of guys rescuing people from the sea is not an invasion.

The reason why you confuse them is just you being scared of the unknown and different cultures.
I think TS is worried that the Mexicans will come here, push us off our land, and outsmart us into making treaties that they break over and over again until one day they're towel-whipping our poor sunburned bottoms with smallpox blankets all the way to Oklahoma. Don't worry, you Trumpers are not representative of American intelligence, we won't fall for that. We got your back.
Yeah, because Mexico is clearly sending us they're best and brightest. Most of these folks can't even write/sign their own name (no joke).
Yeah, because Mexico is clearly sending us they're best and brightest. Most of these folks can't even write/sign their own name (no joke).

So they are at least at the same education level as Americans.
Doesn't sound too bad to me.
History is filled with invasions, such as Normandy invading England in 1066. History is also filled with migrations, such as Europeans to America. What distinguishes the migrations from invasions?
what's happening to europe is a forced mass immigration, the EU threatens to sanction any nation that doesn't accept thousands of migrants every day, their agenda is pretty clear it's the kalergi plan.

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I think TS is worried that the Mexicans will come here, push us off our land, and outsmart us into making treaties that they break over and over again until one day they're towel-whipping our poor sunburned bottoms with smallpox blankets all the way to Oklahoma. Don't worry, you Trumpers are not representative of American intelligence, we won't fall for that. We got your back.

We should kill them off, take their land and go there for vacation..

- Rage Against The Machine
Yeah, because Mexico is clearly sending us they're best and brightest. Most of these folks can't even write/sign their own name (no joke).
I'd trade you for a Honduran plumber tomorrow.