please help a new guy


Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
A couple days ago, i finally committed to doing it.
Im 5'10 , 220lbs. I have too much stomach fat. I have started to exercise daily and eat right. I am trying to find the quickest way to lose weight, and as of right now, I am running a mile a day (treadmill @ home), and doing various work with weights. I am also starting to eat right.
Today i have eaten 2 cheese sticks, a cup of yogurt, and some noodles. I usually eat alot more, but again, im trying to lose as much as quick as possible. I have also stopped drinking pop. I am now drinking just water.
I would like advice on what are some good foods i should stick to that will help me lose weight. Also, do i need to run more than a mile or so to see a decent change? I think i could do 2 no problem...but i dont want to overdo it right away.
Any suggestions, please let me know.
Ask me some specific questions and i'll do my best to answer...
okay....crystal light (the packets) good or bad?
what food should i stay away from? What are some great ones?
Alright man, so you want to lose weight. I see in what you ate today your diet is already fucked. I am just going to be posting my opinion, what worked for me, and just my knowledge I know. It is subject to be critized and modified for personal use. Remember, everyones body is different, what works for somebody may not work for you. Don't get down on yourself when you see people scarfing down pizza, chips, and icecream and not gain a pound. They just have a different metabolism than you. THose kinds of people piss me off as well. lol.

Now, loseing weight is one of the easiest things to do IMO. The simplisity of it is easy, it is just having the will power and dedication to follow through with it that is extremely rough for most. If you are serious about wanting to look better than you should never cheat yourself. You have to stay disciplined and dedicated to your diet, or else it is doomed from the get go.

Answer this question before I type you just want to look better, and are focusing on your physic soley?
rem177 said:
okay....crystal light (the packets) good or bad?
what food should i stay away from? What are some great ones?

Well, I wouldn't reccomend them personaly. If you had to choose between that and water, choose water. Choose water above all. I suppose crystal light aren't that bad of a choice though. G'head and drink it if you want, just make sure water is your #1 drink. Drink as much water as you want. If you are on the computermost of the day, keep a gallon next to your desk and you can just chug on that all you want. The more water the better, just don't be excessive. I'd say even a gallon a day would be good. NO more soda. Minimal fruit drinks.

Basically, stay away from everythnig you ate today. Haha. It is simple:

Have the lowest amount of fat you can a day and try not to overdue the carbs. Carbs are good because they refuel you and provide you with energy, but excess is stored in your body as fat. Try to decrease the dairy in your diet as much as you can. Which means no more cheese sticks. If you want to have a yogurt as a snack between meals thereis nothing wrong with that I suppose.

No candy
No chips and shit

Do your best to lower your sodium intake as well, it retains water in your body and if you are focusing on your gut most of it could be water weight.

Eat fruits, vegitables, chicken (grilled, broiled/baked), occasional steak, lean meats (Lean beef, lean pork if any pork), Tuna is good, fish is good.

NO fried foods.
No fried foods.
No fried foods.

Fried foods are terribly fattening. No more burgar king. If you are forced to go to BK one day for some reason, I usually get a plain grilled chicken whooper, NO fries. It has to be completely plain. Otherwise it is 25+ grams of fat...
Dieting is only half of it, you need to exercise too. Get to the track, make sure you stretch before you to do. A good 10 minutes of stretching, don't half ass it. Even if you can't run more than a lap around the track, it is a must. Jog at a slow pace as far as you can and make sure to PUSh yourself. Afte rall, that is what excercising is all about, pushing yourself and making gains. If you half ass it than you are just cheating yourself and doing everything for nothing. When you think you are finished jogging, look at a certain point and jog to that. When you are done, don't stop and rest. Keep walking around the track briskly until you recover. Going to the track is great for losing calories and for your cardio. You should also incorperate a good lifting routine into your training to help tone and sculpt your muscles.
Brand Nizzle, I agree with all your suggestions BUT, if it were me... I would suggest putting on some muscle first. The more muscle mass you have the faster you can lose weight. I remember I was pretty much in the same situation as our friend above and all I did was work out all the major muscle groups. Its weird to, because I don't look in the mirror when I work out or after, I hardly ever check my body out in the mirror because I'm not working out for looks. Anyway one day I looked at my stomach after a hard work out and it was cut as hell, I was shocked. It was probably always cut but I never flexed in front of the mirror. Seriously though and it could just be me but I think people think about dieting way to much. Just find something that works for you. Everything doesn't need to be done to the T. Just watch what you eat and follow it up with a nice hard work out.
thanks to both of you for your posts.
Nizzle, I was under the impression that cheese/no-fat yogurt were fairly good choices? Maybe I am incorrect, i dont know.
I guess I will start loading up on them fruits and veggies then. I had a nice apple tonight. I think i will get some apples, carrots, and broccoli. Going to be having alot of chicken. How do you feel about eggs?
Eggs are good. For breakfast a lot of people like to only add one whole egg and maybe 5 or 6 egg whites to make an omelette/scrambled eggs. The reason for only one whole egg is to avoid the fat in the yolk.
rem177 said:
thanks to both of you for your posts.
Nizzle, I was under the impression that cheese/no-fat yogurt were fairly good choices? Maybe I am incorrect, i dont know.
I guess I will start loading up on them fruits and veggies then. I had a nice apple tonight. I think i will get some apples, carrots, and broccoli. Going to be having alot of chicken. How do you feel about eggs?

Fruits and veggies are good.

Eggs are really high in protein and are just all round good when you take out the yolk. I guess the only thing I have to say that hasn't specifically been said is that you want to increase protein intake and decrease carb intake.

Edit: Instead of using cheese use no fat cottage cheese which will probably be in the same area of your supermarket. Put it in your sandwiches instead of normal cheese and have a small cup of it before bed. This will boost your protein intake.

No fat yoghurt saved my life when I was a fatshit on diet. Just have it as if it were your dessert. Brand Nizzle would know more about this topic then I but I had heaps of no fat yoghurt instead of any dessert, not only did it keep me sane as its sweet but it helped me lose weight this way.

Hvae brown bread instead of white bread and brown rice instead of white rice as well.

Eat 6 small meals throughout the day instead of a couple of big ones to speed your metabolism.

using the info you got here write out what your meals are, post it here and let someone critique it.

Well thats all I have to add to Nizzle's comments.

Everything Nizzle has said is t3h correct, the only thing I disagree with is that dieting is more then 50% of the battle, its a lot more. Exercise all you want if your diet sucks you aren't losing weight.
0kay thanks guys. anybody else got anything to add? what about the stomach exercises...what can i do?
people think that the best way to get rid of a gut is to do lots of situps. From what I understand, you cannot burn fat in specific areas of your body i.e. doing sit ups will not specifically target your stomach fat. Situps are prety much alwas good, but in terms of burning fat, running, sparring, biking, hell playing tennis or soccer, just intense cario that makes you sweat a lot is going to burn fat. Something to remeber, burning fat isn't the same as loosing water weight. Make sure you keep pounding that water, it helps everything. If you want the ultimate combination of cardio to burn fat and strength training to build muscle, work a heavy bag or spar. If you need motivation to work out, I would highly recomend purchasing bas rutten's training cds. If you follow those and have a good diet, you will lose weight and gain definition, garuanteed. and as a side question, are you from MN?
rem177 said:
thanks to both of you for your posts.
Nizzle, I was under the impression that cheese/no-fat yogurt were fairly good choices? Maybe I am incorrect, i dont know.

Nope,I mean no-fat yougurt is an alright snack, but cheese is high in fat and somewhat in calories.... On the contrary cheese sticks would not be as bad as a choice if you were looking to gain weight..
Definitely increase your mileage...but gradually. You want to try to do cardio maybe every other day for 40 to 45 minutes. Obviously, it's a pain to run that long, so vary it for 20 minutes, ride the bike for 20. Obviously, watch what you eat and stay away from anything fried.

Good luck.
jayyon39 said:
people think that the best way to get rid of a gut is to do lots of situps. From what I understand, you cannot burn fat in specific areas of your body i.e. doing sit ups will not specifically target your stomach fat. Situps are prety much alwas good, but in terms of burning fat, running, sparring, biking, hell playing tennis or soccer, just intense cario that makes you sweat a lot is going to burn fat. Something to remeber, burning fat isn't the same as loosing water weight. Make sure you keep pounding that water, it helps everything. If you want the ultimate combination of cardio to burn fat and strength training to build muscle, work a heavy bag or spar. If you need motivation to work out, I would highly recomend purchasing bas rutten's training cds. If you follow those and have a good diet, you will lose weight and gain definition, garuanteed. and as a side question, are you from MN?

I am drinking only water now, nothing else. Ive been having ~2.5 qts a day, but im sure i need more.
I was thinking about buying a heavy bag, ive used my friends before, and i could definitley see myself using it consistently.
BTW: not from MN. But i will be up there next week.
neosamurai1979 said:
Definitely increase your mileage...but gradually. You want to try to do cardio maybe every other day for 40 to 45 minutes. Obviously, it's a pain to run that long, so vary it for 20 minutes, ride the bike for 20. Obviously, watch what you eat and stay away from anything fried.

Good luck.

yeah i figured I needed to increase the mileage. i am a shitty long-distance runner, so earlier this week I was running a mile in 8:30-9:30 which is awful i know. Yesterday i decided to try and actually run a good mile, and i did get 7:30 , which is my best ever. I know thats nothing to you guys, but I was happy to see it.
actually you would be surprised i am 165 lbs, not in terrific shape and the best i have actually measured was a 12 minute run of 1.5 miles so yea my pace was slower than your mile... granted i was pacing myself to run 12 minutes not run a mile so i could probably do the 7:30 mile but that is nothing to be ashamed of if you are just starting