It is different for a few reasons. First, it's illegal for a guy to be in there in the first place to even see it with his own eyes, let alone take video of it. There is no problem with this woman being in there and able to see this herself, which was her joke, the indiscretion is in her sharing what she herself was allowed to and did see.
It's also different because if you want to fuck an unknowing person enough to risk getting caught in the women's showers taking photos just to catch a glimpse of them naked, the woman has reason to fear you physically trying to rape her. Her joke was that this woman is so sexually unappealing that she'd like to "unsee" her, which means there was never any physical threat. Also, I haven't seen the unblurred pic, and don't want to, but it looks like one of those weird side views where nothing is actually shown.
If this lady came forward and sued her, I could see her winning some settlement and wouldn't disagree with that, but I'm not quite sold on her needing jail time. I would say "how would she like it", but she kind of made her career from getting naked photos taken of her.