Planning on 16 weeks of hypertrophy. Any advice?


Green Belt
Nov 17, 2016
Reaction score
So I want to get a bit bigger and add some muscle and decided I will do two cycles of hypertrophy.

Push/pull workouts 4-6 times per week.
First cycles 8 weeks. Squat 2 x, bench, 2x, DL 2 x, OHP 1 or 2x per week. Everyday will be heavy on one of the main lifts.
1st week 3 sets, 2nd 4 sets, 3rd 5 sets. 4th deload. Repeat with adding 2 more reps. For example if I start with 8 reps, make them 10.

After 8 weeks change exercice slightly for example squat becomes front squat, bench becomes incline, dl becomes rdl. Assistance if it was bar becomes dumbells or cable or change the grips and etc. And repeat the same plan of 8 weeks.

My questions are should I drop completely boxing and soccer or I can still do them?

Any general advice?
Planning on eggs in the morning pre workout, protein shake + bar post workout, Bulgarian yogurt + fruit at lunch, wallnuts afternoon, meat + salad + rise/potatoes at evening. Sometimes shicken/lens/bean soup at evening too.

I know I will be eating the majority of food at evening. But this is the only time I can eat well cooked foot due to work and training schedules.

Recovery will be a good amount of sleep and no coffee post lunch break so I can go to bed at 10 pm and wake up 6 am.

Push/pull workouts so muscles can rest enough. Deload weeks.
I noticed that you said everyday will be heavy on one of the lifts. Personally, if you are mainly after hypertrophy, I'd be working submaximal for more reps/sets. I'm not saying to never go heavy, but I certainly wouldn't be going heavy most sessions.
So I want to get a bit bigger and add some muscle and decided I will do two cycles of hypertrophy.

Push/pull workouts 4-6 times per week.
First cycles 8 weeks. Squat 2 x, bench, 2x, DL 2 x, OHP 1 or 2x per week. Everyday will be heavy on one of the main lifts.
1st week 3 sets, 2nd 4 sets, 3rd 5 sets. 4th deload. Repeat with adding 2 more reps. For example if I start with 8 reps, make them 10.

After 8 weeks change exercice slightly for example squat becomes front squat, bench becomes incline, dl becomes rdl. Assistance if it was bar becomes dumbells or cable or change the grips and etc. And repeat the same plan of 8 weeks.

My questions are should I drop completely boxing and soccer or I can still do them?

Any general advice?
I noticed that you said everyday will be heavy on one of the lifts. Personally, if you are mainly after hypertrophy, I'd be working submaximal for more reps/sets. I'm not saying to never go heavy, but I certainly wouldn't be going heavy most sessions.

True. With heavy I meant more sets but used the wrong wording.
4 weeks of inefficiency there. 3-8 rep range. 3 sets. Rest days. Abs. Make sure you switch variant of pull ups.

Good luck. Let me know how it goes