Pinched Nerve in lower back [Teenager]


White Belt
Jan 14, 2016
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Hello everyone, I`m making this thread to ask on opinions and advice for my painful lower back that is preventing me from training for around 3 months already.

What caused it:
Ive always liked to pop my back and twist it around, and then one day in wrestling class we were pushing around each other for warmup and when I turned my body to the side my whole spine cracked several times. The next morning I woke up with pain in right lower back.

When do I have pain:
-when I sit and raise my leg straight
-sometimes I feel minor pain when walking
-when I push my pelvis upwards/forward
-when I bend down with legs straight

What am I doing to prevent/help it:
-double leg raises
-side leg raises
-pull ups
- I am not cracking my back no more

If you guys have any tips and exercises to help me please post them below since Im only 15 and this is a real setback to my training :/
Call doctor
Make appointment
Go to doctor
Ask for help
I went to a doctor and he guided me to a massaguer (I probably butchered this) and I got 3 massages and did some exercises, none of it helped...
I had a pinched nerve once, I'm not sure how it started but my arm , hand and three finger were numb and painful. I saw a massage therapist for 4 sessions and he fixed. Find yourself a good massage therapist and try it again, it should work. If it doesn't then you should see a different doctor, maybe it's something else. Good luck kid
I went to a doctor and he guided me to a massaguer (I probably butchered this) and I got 3 massages and did some exercises, none of it helped...
Go to another doctor. Get a second opinion.
As a CAMTC CMT, I can definitely recommend that you find an MT that knows legitimate soft-tissue therapy, not swedish/shiatsu. Many therapists are basing their effectiveness on pseudoscience and even their "deep tissue" has no evidence to back up their techniques and methods.

An easy way to find out is if they use oil/lotion during the session or if it is a full-body "treatment." Those are the therapists that you want to stay away from if your goal is soft tissue treatment. If you want to relax, then sure, those are okay.

Can a relaxation/spa massage work? Sure, but the effectiveness is temporary and non-specific.
I had a pinched nerve once, I'm not sure how it started but my arm , hand and three finger were numb and painful. I saw a massage therapist for 4 sessions and he fixed. Find yourself a good massage therapist and try it again, it should work. If it doesn't then you should see a different doctor, maybe it's something else. Good luck kid

that sucks. it took 4 sessions to heal it ?in my opinion pinched nerves are worse than a sprain or a strain .its like comparing a warrior wasp sting( pinched nerve) to a asian hornett( strain or bruise) .. muscle relaxers are good for pinched nerves ...anti inflamatories wont really do that much they will do a little becuase as crazy as it sounds the pinched nerve develops a tolerance to the the drug .... P. S muscle relaxers will only help relieve cramping before bed but in the long run they dont do crap because when you wake up in the morning you 'll still have that horrible feeling again

gryo ball is good for healing the shoulder

my nutrition teacher told me that ginger ( supplement) works great for pinched nerves im going to try ginger out.. probably just a hoax or a placebo though
Do some DDP Yoga
im going to check that out thanks , why is that one of the few only cool people has a yellow card ?i dont get sherdog
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The massaguer used oil and did mostly my whole back focusing a bit more on the lower right part and in the end applied deep relief.

I do not wanna take any pills I feel Im a bit too young to get hooked on dat stuff...

I am also going to look up DDP Yoga ty all.
There's no quick fix. 3 sessions and you hung in the towel? That's not enough time to notice anything.

I had sciatica pretty bad when I was 19. Know what helped me? Sticking at physio. Lots of stretching. Massage regularly. Squatting helped too. I also focused a lot of effort on core, particularly lower back, training around this time.

If you jump off a treatment because you're not better straight away, chances are you'll never stick with what you need to do to get better, and you'll be fucked for a very very long time. Go see someone who knows what they're doing, as mentioned above, and stick with the advice they give you.
to the TS please if you dont notice any changes in massage therapy please go to another or find out the local acpuncture school.. where the students work on you, its cheap .. dont give those scam- artist massage therapist another penny ! maybe you could find your local physical therapist in your area some pt's will actually give you masssage as part of the treatment like 15 minutes at the end of the session as well as give you rehab excersizes
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As an update on my progress: I started doing daily workouts to strengthen core and lower back as well as tons of stretching hips and back/legs. The thing about physio is that I didn't feel any better and I don't like draining my parents money inefficinetly. My nerve doesnt hurt that much when I raise my leg straigh while sitting but my leg is feeling kinda stiff, probably from the workouts tho.
As an update on my progress: I started doing daily workouts to strengthen core and lower back as well as tons of stretching hips and back/legs. The thing about physio is that I didn't feel any better and I don't like draining my parents money inefficinetly. My nerve doesnt hurt that much when I raise my leg straigh while sitting but my leg is feeling kinda stiff, probably from the workouts tho.

you shouldnt feel bad about your parents paying for your massage therapy if its a pinched nerve that means it caused by stress.. is someone in your family is stressing you out? its extremely rare that a pinched nerve is brought on by a injury ... if your parents are causing you stress ,fuck that make them pay for your massages until you can go and dorm

take a paper cup put water in it and freeze and rub it on the area , fugget about swallowing them never did me any good belief me you will feel relief right away

if you cant afford massage therapy anymore then a old fashion remedy take the fish oil capsules break them in two and rub it( liquid) on the enflamed part you will smell pretty bad but the after effects are worth it then use the rubber roller presto you got yourself a massage
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Pinched nerve ... rare it's caused by an injury? Seriously, stop posting in here.
Pinched nerve ... rare it's caused by an injury? Seriously, stop posting in here.

then why am in pain right now? .. wtf is it black magic? read the fucking link numerous people are complaining that they are getting their pinch nerve due to just anxiety and EPD yet no injury buddy ,plently more where that came from i can show you like 4 more links of pinched nerve being caused due to anxiety and the result of long term bad posture .. i think what you meant to say is "what? a pinched nerve is rarely caused by a injury"?

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Where did i say a pinched nerve cannot be aggravated by stress causing spastic muscle groups? You saying it's rare from an injury is stupid. Assuming his pinched nerve is X when it could be Y or Z is also stupid, especially when he said he got it from twisting violently. You cannot diagnose over the interwebz. Seriously fucking stop.
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