Piers Morgan tweets about Fort Hood #2...

I saw it as well, it mentions that the murder rate is 4 times higher in the US than the UK, but Byron does not want to be part of a society like the UK. He'd much rather be part of one where the murder rate is 4 times higher.

It's a shame we can't find any trustworthy stats. The other issue is plea-bargaining. I don't know about the UK but in the USA it seems to be the way of it. Commit one crime and cop to another in exchange for a "deal".

I will say that as an American I find it concerning that the Brits came up with the plastic pint glasses. Maybe if you don't hang out in the pubs you don't get involved in much violence?
If you apply the same definition to the US that is used in the UK then the violent crime rate is higher in the UK.

Source? And please don't re-post the politic fact article which clearly has a disclaimer at the end of it.

If you do manage to find a source be sure to highlight the fact that the murder rate is 4 times higher in the US than the UK.
I saw it as well, it mentions that the murder rate is 4 times higher in the US than the UK, but Byron does not want to be part of a society like the UK. He'd much rather be part of one where the murder rate is 4 times higher.

I still would rather have the freedoms I have even if the crime rate is higher. If you break it down by crime then that
I saw it as well, it mentions that the murder rate is 4 times higher in the US than the UK, but Byron does not want to be part of a society like the UK. He'd much rather be part of one where the murder rate is 4 times higher.

Yeah, the murder rate is higher because of ghettos. We have a couple sub-cultures which revolve around murdering each other. It's not a big secret.

The violent crime rate is higher in the U.K.

But those facts don't matter - I want to live in a society where my life is in my hands, not yours. I want to decide my own fate.
yeah who cares about crime rates i just want to be able to have a gun...

I want the freedom to defend my family, myself and others when necessary.

Also I like that US version of free speech.

I hear you guys have all but banned the carry of any knife, how
And what's his aim now? More Twitter followers?

Who knows! I doubt he has many offers coming in, but still needs to stay relevant and seems to be keeping this troll-job going.
Who knows! I doubt he has many offers coming in, but still needs to stay relevant and seems to be keeping this troll-job going.

Even though it didn't work out too well for him since the very start. Pretty obvious he's a man blinded by his own convictions. But no-no, he be trolling.
Australia is the most relevant insight into a single population (no apples to oranges) where a major shift in gun policy has been acutely observed and measured with contemporary statistical tracking. I don't know why anyone would want to bring up rates of violent crime in a pro-2nd Amendment argument. Australia is the trump card that defeats all. For every Sweden there is an El Salvador. The 2nd Amendment arguments should focus on tyranny.
Once again, you're completely distorting facts.

The Virginia Tech mass shooting and the Virginia Tech ambushed officer are two different events, seperated by 4 years.
I'm beginning to see that you don't even understand what "distorting" facts means. In no way shape or form did I represent the killing of the armed guard as Cho's shootout. I didn't even imply it. I simply pointed out that killing an armed guard isn't difficult using an ambush.
Armed resistance increases the chance of survival - it's not guaranteed. Fact.
Well, unless the "armed resistance" is the person carrying out the attack. You're the only person alive who seems to think there are people out there arguing that SWAT teams should wield plastic swords.