PIC Pat Cummins 2 days after the figh.


Still my booooy!
Nov 21, 2014
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This is what Pat Cummins looks like 2 days after the biggest win of his @UFC career.

Feijao may not have any combos, but his punches surely are nasty.
Woah, he did swell up quick around the eyes, but that looks like something out of photoshop.

It does look kinda cool though, purple goes well with anything^^
Feijao hits like a fucking truck. He barely touched Cummins in that fight :eek:
Feijao may not have any combos, but his punches surely are nasty.

I believe he used to. Idk what happened to him... shows up fat as fuck to fights now. Never in shape, and seems like he doesn't want to fight anymore
Imagine that guy serving you coffee.

I wonder if he's regretting his decision to do this shit for a living instead of make cappuccinos for old ladies...
Aside from a few stitches, that's some pretty symmetrical bruising.

Good job getting the W, Cummins.
I believe he used to. Idk what happened to him... shows up fat as fuck to fights now. Never in shape, and seems like he doesn't want to fight anymore

Ya, I was watching Saturday and couldnt believe how bad he looked. This was a fight would have have easily won if he came in good shape and fought smart.