Phone scams


Red Belt
Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
I am the head of the purchasing department of a manufacturing company. I get phone calls all day long from people trying to sell stuff.

Every now and then, I'll get one from a scammer. They think they're clever with their pitch "We're going to give you a gift. Where should we send it to?"

Basically they try to schmooze people by talking about whatever gift they are promising, then getting all the company information by asking where to send it to, which supplies are commonly used, etc. Then they will send shipments to that address with vastly overpriced items and then demand payment- all without the purchasing agent never actually placing an order.

I've never fallen for this. I can tell quickly when someone is trying to pull a fast one, but I'm sure these people have some success.

I wonder how one gets a job as a phone scam telemarketer. I'd like to see that job description on Monster