Social Philadelphia yanks 72 cops off the streets...

That's a moronic way to look at it.

According to Wiki, Muslims make up almost 10% of Philly's population. If you're a Muslim living in Philly and you're paying taxes like everyone else to go towards a police force that is supposed to keep you safe, why should you have to feel the anxiety that if you call them in a time of need you're going to get someone who has publicly demonstrated that they have hard feelings against Muslims and Islam as a religion? Sorry, you don't get to be a cop.

It's still amazing to me how many people think "first amendment, maaaaaan" gives you carte blanche to say whatever you want without consequence. It doesn't work like that. When you become a cop, there are a ton of codes of conduct you're expected to follow. I imagine "don't discriminate against people due to their religion" is one of them.

Things can be "legal" to say - as in you won't be charged, and still be against the guidelines of your occupation. I can legally go on Facebook right now and tear down my company, shit talk my boss, etc. The cops aren't going to come. But I may not have a job tomorrow. That's the real world.
apparently they didn't read their Departments Social Media policy

don't feel sorry in the slightest