Petition to Rename Sport of MMA to UMA


Titanium Belt
Jan 14, 2013
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For as long as I have watched MMA, I have had to listen to critics complain that "mixed" martial arts involves taking composite martial arts which are pure, and combining them into a less elegant form. A bastard mutt if you will, in which the whole is less than the sum of the parts.

The problem with this criticism is that in fact, the individual martial arts are simply arbitrary subsets of hand to hand combat. There is nothing "pure" about their separation into different arts, only arbitrariness. Separated, the martial arts have glaring holes within each of them. Bringing them together closes those gaps.

So what we should be calling the sport is "Unified Martial Arts." The word "unified" signals that the arts belong combined -- not separated, and that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
Looks like someone just learned the word “arbitrary” in his english course.
Feel like there's probably a host better things you could be choosing to focus on. Seems pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. How about getting a petition going to allow knees to grounded opponents? Now there's something with some substance to it.
You're a bit late to the party. Shevchenko sisters have been learning UMA from their coach since they were kids.

My coach Pavel Fedotov has taught all his students mixed martial arts (what he called Universal Martial Arts) long before they were popular like today. Every time we trained, we practiced sambo, judo, wrestling, boxing, and taekwondo. Every week we competed in different styles and sometimes at two different events with different styles on the same day. I have been training mixed martial arts (MMA) since the beginning, and I started competing in MMA professionally in 2003.
I actually like the idea. It makes the sport seem just a little bit more professional.
So if we change the name, then when you Google UMA you get this instead of Conor