If there is any chance at all that Colby Covington is reading these boards...no one else is cringey enough to do it. But it must be done. I pledge my support if you do.
Can we have a petiton to not have any more Coby threads?
If there is any chance at all that Colby Covington is reading these boards...no one else is cringey enough to do it. But it must be done. I pledge my support if you do.
Seems a little late, but those awkward cringy situations are always interesting to see
In this case he'd actually be fighting BS.Petition to hear more BS from Colby?
Rogan's a hype man, Loves hyperbole. I don't need an explanation from him.
Overhyping destroys a company's credibility and hurts their long-term ability to draw money. This is why movie marketing doesn't claim everything that comes out is the greatest movie ever and once-in-human-history.Rogan was doing his job.
Ha! The UFC has no credibility. It's not considered a sport. It's seen as an offshoot of pro wrestling and many people think it's fake. So, enough with this or that is going to hurt the UFC's reputation. They are increasing profits during a period in which they have few stars, and disastrous cards.Overhyping destroys a company's credibility and hurts their long-term ability to draw money. This is why movie marketing doesn't claim everything that comes out is the greatest movie ever and once-in-human-history.