People trying to convert you



So there is a fairly big church really close to my place with a rather aggressive strategy of evangelism. Almost every single time I walk past it, some guys (they always travel in pairs) approach me to talk about their religion or something. I guess the church has them patrolling that street to approach every single person walking by. One guy even had an ipad to show me a presentation slide.

I just ignore them, but they actually try to follow you and continue talking, even when you're clearly ignoring them. Like I'm listening to music while walking, these guys approach me and start talking, so I take off my earbuds and promptly put them back on when I hear the words, "Jesus, god, etc." yet they continue to walk with me and talk even though I can't even hear them. The last time I walked past this church and I saw two guys come out and power walk towards me. I just looked at the first guy and shook my head and he gave up. These were younger looking guys and probably less experienced. The more seasoned guys would probably persist.

It's quite annoying because it happens almost every time I walk that street, and I have to do so quite often because it's on my way to work. Not to mention I think it's rather disrespectful to impose your beliefs on people you don't even fucking know. Even if I was christian myself, I would be against such tactics. Also, it's creepy that they follow you. I think they are hurting their own cause by doing this. I need a way to shut these people down so I don't get harassed all the time.

1. Evangelical christians trying to convert me
2. Need a way to deter them
3. Not a religion bashing thread so don't get rustled

Any suggestions? Here are my ideas
  • Give them the cold dead stare - might not work because I'm a manlet and not very intimidating
  • Tell them that their strategy isn't working and is hurting their cause - they might try to argue with me and I don't want to waste my time
  • Just walk away - what I usually do but it doesn't send a clear message
  • Fill the street with uppercuts (and possibly the church) - I don't want to pad my sherdog street fighting record with cans
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Best to fill the street with uppercuts TS.

I got a knock on my door from some Mormon punks, I told them I wasn't interested but they kept insisting. This went on for a week until I got pissed off and told them not to come near my property again, one of the douchebags said "what are you gonna do about it?". I told them I would call the police and they both laughed at me and when they left they threw two eggs at me. I was livid and called the Hot Fuzz, I told them what was what and gave them the descriptions. They told me if this happens again to call them. Now 2 weeks go by and nothing happens so I think "ok I guess this is sorted" but now I see 5 of them in front of my door, I'm hesitant and grab a baseball bat. I open the door and one of the socks me with a decent straight right, the other two both land a single leg and take me down and then they all start kicking me saying "convert to Mormonism!" and they bruised me up quite a bit. I was pissed off and decided to text my good friend Nicolas Cage.


Nicolas Cage arrives and we ask around to see where those punks have gone. We drive up find out that they're about 3 blocks away, we catch up to them and we see that 3 of them are on the side walk while the other two are riding their bikes on the side of the road. Nicolas Cage turns to me and says "watch this" and had that crazy look in his eyes, so he revs up the car and floors it. We hit two of them that were riding the bike, but they didn't die. They just flew are few meters and got KO'd and were down for the count. The other 3 are pissed and say "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!", Nicolas Cage socks that motherfucker with a 1-2 combo and I take on the original guy that harassed me. I'm taking my sweet time just dominating him like Fedor did against Kohsaka, after I'm done taking out my frustrations I knock him out with a stunning knee. The other guy is scared shitless and we tell him to stop coming around my neighbourhood or else. He agrees and that was the last time I've seen any Mormon punks where I live.
I've just told people I wasn't interested.

I had a boss who asked me what I'd do if I was standing outside a burning building and I saw a friend inside unaware of the danger. My answer was that I wasn't interested in religion.
Get a vicious dog to walk with. That's one thing no longer having a dog could cause a problem for me. Having the dog tied outside kept the Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists from coming to the door even though he was as friendly as could be.
I usually just invite them over and we can talk while watching porn and drinking booze. They never bother you again.
I've just told people I wasn't interested.

I had a boss who asked me what I'd do if I was standing outside a burning building and I saw a friend inside unaware of the danger. My answer was that I wasn't interested in religion.
I did that and they just keep trying to discuss it with me. Engaging them seems to encourage them. And I think they are "trained" in debating that stuff too because sometimes they seem to welcome the chance to possibly change your mind. I don't have time for that shit, especially with every person who approaches me.

Get a vicious dog to walk with. That's one thing no longer having a dog could cause a problem for me. Having the dog tied outside kept the Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists from coming to the door even though he was as friendly as could be.
Crap. My dog looks like this.
I've just told people I wasn't interested.

I had a boss who asked me what I'd do if I was standing outside a burning building and I saw a friend inside unaware of the danger. My answer was that I wasn't interested in religion.
Drago over here, haha that's awesome though

Had a coworker who was a Jehovah witness, she did not outright saying I'd like to convert you, but she really wanted to share her beliefs with me. Everytime she tells me some stuff she thought is wonderful about her religion, I'd ask questions, mainly plotholes to her stories, where she'd say she need to go back to her bible and scripture to answer my questions (but never did) yet still come back to tell me more stuff. I did not approve of what she does when I found out she'd use "free babysitting" as a ruse to convert young kids because by her religion she has to fill out certain hours of spreading religion. Fuck all that.
I did not approve of what she does when I found out she'd use "free babysitting" as a ruse to convert young kids because by her religion she has to fill out certain hours of spreading religion. Fuck all that.

That is fucked up. I know a girl who said her homeroom teacher in high school took the class out to "field trips" that were actually workshops conducted by a cult to convert them.
I had a couple Jehovah witness guys hitting me up pretty hard. If my bedroom door is open you can see in my room from the front door. So one morning they came and seen my gf in the bedroom. Not nude but in panties and tank top. That was the last time they ever stopped by. If some new ones ever come knocking I'll probably just give them a helicockter
id rather have christians follow me, at least then i can say im not interested and keep walking.
instead crazy people follow me and talk and i have no idea what to say bc they don't even make any fukkin sense lmao.
Haha I just had some kid come up to me in the subway station as I was walking towards the train.
I actually don't mind conversations about religion, even though I'm not religious. If i have the time I'll hear them out if they don't go on for too long.

This kid wanted me to take a survey about "how to save my friends and self", on an iPad. Lol it was the most ridiculous, biased ass survey ive ever seen. Questions like "if you could save your friends from catastrophe, would you allow God to save them? YES OR NO"
And I told him 'But i didn't believe in a god...not like the one in your bible..'.and he asks me "Why"? He asked it in a way like 'how is that possible '?
Why?? Do you really want me to go into why, man? So we're going through this video survey, and im just trashing all of his questions. Im not being a dick , but Im just pointing out all the shit that doesn't make any sense. And he can't really give me an answer to anything.
It's time for my train so i tell him good luck and leave.

Long story short, when one of these guys approach me and i don't want to talk, i just tell them I'm busy, or late for an appointment.
Brisk walk and look forward.
You're not going to stop a Chrisitan from Christianing
You've overtaken @Clippy as the most inane bullshit thread starter

That is fucked up. I know a girl who said her homeroom teacher in high school took the class out to "field trips" that were actually workshops conducted by a cult to convert them.
My mom had something like that growing up. Her second grade teacher had an "after school girls group" where she taught them about witchcraft/the occult and they would do rituals.
You need to invest in the ultimate symbol of unshakeable atheism - a fedora
Long story short, when one of these guys approach me and i don't want to talk, i just tell them I'm busy, or late for an appointment.
Brisk walk and look forward.
You're not going to stop a Chrisitan from Christianing

The best ones are the geezers in the subway yelling at people to convert or we'll go to hell. These people need to take a marketing class or something. I don't seem to realize they're doing the opposite of what they're hoping to achieve.
I used to tell people that came to my door I didn’t believe in god but that seems to make them want to talk more. So one day I told two old black ladies that came to my door I was Buddhist and wasn’t looking to convert. One of the nice old ladies said “yeah, well your god is going to take you to hell” as they walked off.

Now, I just say “not interested” and close the door. I don’t care if they’re in the middle of a sentence.