people think stephens recovered from aldo body shot


Black Belt
May 3, 2015
Reaction score
because he was wiggling around on the ground
I think their argument is more that he could've recovered, than that he already did.

He was done though.
Lol people who argue Stephens could continue are terrible. The referee is NOT suppose to stop the fight when it starts looking ugly. The ref is suppose to stop the fight when one guy is hurt and his ability to defend and move gradually declines with no signs of improvement. Stephen's position continued to decline, so the ref did the smart move by ceasing the contest before further damage could ensue.

You don't cook a turkey until it burns, you take it out when it looks right. Fans are still used to the days when refs only stopped fights when the guy is border line unconscious. You won't be seeing much of that anymore
He did pop right up but he wasn't really defending on the ground. Mostly I see no harm in the ref letting it go a few more shots so it's more definitive. Give Stephens a chance to recover or Aldo gets a better HL finish.
He did pop right up buy mostly I see no harm in the ref letting it go a few more shots so it's more definitive.
He only popped up because the pummeling stopped. He was turtled up until then.

Reffing will never be consistent. It's anyones else guess if he would've recovered or not. We've seen fighters recover from worse. Your fate is left to the discretion of the ref.

I was okay with the stoppage. The just bleed fan in me would have been okay if it went on a little longer though.
.....I mean. He never stopped defending himself.

He was done for sure, but at no point did he stop defending himself. So...
Homie = DONE son

Personally I would have liked to of seen him given the chance to fight out of the situation he was in
Fight could have continued. We've seen fighters come back from worse. But wasn't really bothered anyway, was happy for Aldo.
.....I mean. He never stopped defending himself.

He was done for sure, but at no point did he stop defending himself. So...
I agree with this, except we will never know if he was done or not because he easnt given the chance
The guy was moving, defending and trying to improve position. Only in a pussies world that was a good stoppage. A lot of people in Sherdog just want to justify that Aldo won.
"Never leave it in the hands of the referee"
I would’ve been alright if he dropped it right when it went to the ground. But he shouldn’t have stopped it when he did
Fight was stopped after a couple of punches to the back of the head . The result would of most likely been the same if the ref let it continue, but you cant argue that it was a good stoppage
Rewatching the scene, I think that what sealed the deal to the ref was the fact that Stephens laid his face on the canvas instead of trying to protect his head. Also what made him turtle up was another shot to the same region that made him wince in pain and collapse to the mat. Can't complain about a bad stoppage after sending so many signs that you might be in trouble.

This stoppage made me recall the stoppage in Mendes vs McGregor. An exhausted Mendes collapses to the ground and turtles up seconds before the end of the round. McGregor lands a few shots on Mendes' arms and the judge stops the fight.

Personally, I believe that if a fighter is turtled up, it's fair game for the ref to stop the fight. Turtling up is taking advantage of the rules not to absorb damage in a position that is extremely vulnerable in a real fight.
We couldn’t see his face but DC said he was clearly wincing in pain even when he was turtling around. I’m sure the ref saw this as well so it played a factor. But Aldo also hit him with 2 clean hammerfists. I wouldn’t have minded a few more only cause Stephens loves to fuck up guys extra hard when they’re down.
Being a referee isn’t easy. A fighter’s safety and life is in your hands.

It’s easy to say “he could have recovered”. He also might not have recovered and just took 20 more unnecessary shots to the head before suffering permanent disability.

An early stoppage is better than brain damage
The guy was moving, defending and trying to improve position. Only in a pussies world that was a good stoppage. A lot of people in Sherdog just want to justify that Aldo won.
tell us how you really feel about aldos