Pakistan PM Imran Khan calls Osama Bin Laden 'Martyr' who died in US attack


One sides hero is another sides biggest scumbag. Imagine what folks over there say when they think of an american dude operating dronestrike or remote missile that kills 90% innocent people, geting awarded medals...

Its a matter of perspective. Noone should be surprised that some people think Bin Laden is a hero.

Dont think im approving Bin Ladens actions, in any way. Im just trying to say, things like this shouldnt be "very shocking"...
Terrorists constantly use people form their family/clan as human-shields, this is a know fact. Besides, Terrorism kills way more Muslims than Westerners, they are murdering their own people and getting them killed by association.

Am very shocked at this. The guy is getting more extreme by the day but this tops it.

Am surprised so little reaction thus far from international community on this.

It’s not a great force of a country...any military capability they have is due to materials bought from China.
If they were to ever use a nuke, they would be bombed back to the stone age.
The Pakistani economy is absolutely horrible and has been, for many years.

They’re just a headache for India, particularly no thanks to China.

One sides hero is another sides biggest scumbag. Imagine what folks over there say when they think of an american dude operating dronestrike or remote missile that kills 90% innocent people, geting awarded medals...

Its a matter of perspective. Noone should be surprised that some people think Bin Laden is a hero.

Dont think im approving Bin Ladens actions, in any way. Im just trying to say, things like this shouldnt be "very shocking"...
You just like to sympethize with our enemies.
You just like to sympethize with our enemies.

Depends from case to case, but yeah overall i do tend to root for the underdog...

Specially when the underdog was the one being bullied and provoked in the first place.
Depends from case to case, but yeah overall i do tend to root for the underdog...

Specially when the underdog was the one being bullied and provoked in the first place.
Sounds like a personality defect on your part if it means defending al qaeda leaders lmao
Sounds like a personality defect on your part if it means defending al qaeda leaders lmao

hahah i knew i would get misunderstood :) like i said in first post, in no way shape of form im defending the actions of terrorists.

However, im not defending actions of USA either, its a filty dirty thing thats going on in that region, theres no good side here in my eyes. And as USA, along with others, have spent decades and decades doing everything to destabilize that region for their own gains, i only can understand that they will have their "heroes" who will be scumbags in the eyes of the west, and vice versa...

And as for me rooting for the underdogs, it seems like a part of my DNA, i just cant help it :(
hahah i knew i would get misunderstood :) like i said in first post, in no way shape of form im defending the actions of terrorists.

However, im not defending actions of USA either, its a filty dirty thing thats going on in that region, theres no good side here in my eyes. And as USA, along with others, have spent decades and decades doing everything to destabilize that region for their own gains, i only can understand that they will have their "heroes" who will be scumbags in the eyes of the west, and vice versa...

And as for me rooting for the underdogs, it seems like a part of my DNA, i just cant help it :(
Some people just get extra copies of chromosomes, we don't hold it against you
hahah i knew i would get misunderstood :) like i said in first post, in no way shape of form im defending the actions of terrorists.

However, im not defending actions of USA either, its a filty dirty thing thats going on in that region, theres no good side here in my eyes. And as USA, along with others, have spent decades and decades doing everything to destabilize that region for their own gains, i only can understand that they will have their "heroes" who will be scumbags in the eyes of the west, and vice versa...

And as for me rooting for the underdogs, it seems like a part of my DNA, i just cant help it :(
Move to Pakistan and see how I get on. My mother's husband is from Pakistan and I learned a lot about that shitcunt country from him and his extremist views.

One sides hero is another sides biggest scumbag. Imagine what folks over there say when they think of an american dude operating dronestrike or remote missile that kills 90% innocent people, geting awarded medals...

Its a matter of perspective. Noone should be surprised that some people think Bin Laden is a hero.

Dont think im approving Bin Ladens actions, in any way. Im just trying to say, things like this shouldnt be "very shocking"...

You are correct 100%.
Hitler was a hero to vast numbers of people and still is to some. So I guess you could call him a martyr. Well kind of like this, if you are that fucked up in the head.
im not surprised.. martyrdom is pretty big in muslim countries like that. check out the documentary “The Cult of The Suicide Bomber”.