OZ - the land of cock biting spiders...


and this is the answer.
serious question: how are people okay with living in a place where there are gigantic spiders in your home? i remember finding a few cockroaches in my kitchen a few years back, and i was ready to drops hundreds of bucks to have a professional fumigate my entire apartment haha.

The big ones in your home are generally huntsmen which are harmless.

But I'll just go with we're more manly than you lot. :p
All those spiders in the picture look far too similar for me to be able to differentiate, I'd kill 'em all with fire just to be on the safe side.
Aye. Where's my cat boner gif?
You fucking fascist pigs.

I wasn't breaking any rules.
Fuck you
And if the spiders don't get you, there's that Wolf Creek guy running around making "heads on a stick".

Go fuck yourself Austrailia.
I used to always kill spiders but nowadays i try to catch them and put them outside.
I've had the odd little spider in the kitchen near the sink and i've always left them there.
When i'd do the dishes it would usually pop down on a strand of web from the wall hanging he lived behind.
Oh shit that triggered my phobia,
I wont take a bath today.
I been to Australia

You are much more likely to die from a car accident with a Roo over any of these venomous animals. They have just about asang venomous snake bite deaths as the Us does. It's really not that scary of a place.

Sherdog is a bunch of Sally's.
You are much more likely to die from a car accident with a Roo over any of these venomous animals. They have just about asang venomous snake bite deaths as the Us does. It's really not that scary of a place.

Sherdog is a bunch of Sally's.
What was the gnarliest bite you've
suffered dude? Venomous or not..
True story, if I visited Australia I would die trying to play with a python.