Oxford: fake news most consumed by Trump fans, more made by "hard right" than all others combined


May 20, 2016
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Teamed with University of Oxford, The Computational Propaganda Project found what most everyone in the United States suspected: that the American right wing is the foremost - by considerable proportions - purveyor of fake news, and that Trump supporter group, specifically, are the largest consumers of fake news.

...we find that the distribution of such content is unevenly spread across the ideological spectrum. We demonstrate that (1) on Twitter, a network of Trump supporters shares the widest range of known junk news sources and circulates more junk news than all the other groups put together; (2) on Facebook, extreme hard right pages—distinct from Republican pages—share the widest range of known junk news sources and circulate more junk news than all the other audiences put together; (3) on average, the audiences for junk news on Twitter share a wider range of known junk news sources than audiences on Facebook’s public pages.

On Twitter, a network of Trump supporters consumes the largest volume of junk news, and junk news is the largest proportion of news links they share...


But there was a clear skew in who shared links from the 91 sites the researchers had manually coded as “junk news” (based on breaching at least three of five quality standards including “professionalism”, “bias” and “credibility”). “The Trump Support group consumes the highest volume of junk news sources on Twitter, and spreads more junk news sources, than all the other groups put together. This pattern is repeated on Facebook, where the Hard Conservatives group consumed the highest proportion of junk news.”

But, on the bright side, apparently Russian origins are no longer overrepresented in the fake news being circulated.

One thing the study did not find is evidence of substantial amounts of Russian news sources being shared. “The political conversations on social media exclude a Russian audience group,” the researchers concluded.

The problem is that everyone else knew this already, and the trupsters will say it fake news.
Oxford is a liberal cesspool of Marxist, ISIS indoctrination on our youth.
I didn't read the whole artical, how did they identify who was on the hard right with what news and they just used twitter and facebook ?
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Why would Oxford waste time and resources analyzing idiots on social media? The whole study seems based upon a very subjective set of standards, and to me just seems like more partisan mud slinging from well known left leaning university.

And I'm also interested in knowing what their process was as far as gathering their sample size. Was it completely arbitrary? Or were they simply cherry picking the worst from one side and using that as a standard?
I didn't read the whole artical, how did they indenity who was on the hard right with what news and they just used twitter and facebook ?

Come on, man. For "what news" they manually coded sources per contravention of three-fifths of quality indicators. For "they just used twitter and facebook," yes, because social media is by far the largest medium used to promote otherwise obscure sites that wouldn't generate traffic on their own. For "how did they identify who was on the hard right," they used algorithms based on keywords and then weeded out groups identified with the Republican Party.

Why would Oxford waste time and resources analyzing idiots on social media?

Because those idiots determine global policy and there is a concerted effort to understand and correct their consumption of disinformation and erosion of democratic functionality.

The whole study seems based upon a very subjective set of standards, and to me just seems like more partisan mud slinging from well known left leaning university.

Lol, it's fucking Oxford. Yes, it just so happens that Oxford, Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, MIT, et al are "left leaning" for some super-strange reason. My speculation is that the feminazi cabal has mastered time travel.

But if you have any meaningful studies on the topic from Liberty University, University of Phoenix, or ITT Tech, please feel free to add them to the conversation so we can manufacture some faux bipartisanship.
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Teamed with University of Oxford, The Computational Propaganda Project found what most everyone in the United States suspected: that the American right wing is the foremost - by considerable proportions - purveyor of fake news, and that Trump supporter group, specifically, are the largest consumers of fake news.


But, on the bright side, apparently Russian origins are no longer overrepresented in the fake news being circulated.

Saw this last night.
First thought = Alex Jones, World Net Daily, rightwing chain-emails.

Probably the biggest example of rightwingers grasping onto Fake News = Birther conspiracy.
A good portion of the Trumpsters I've come across are also into other, unrelated dopey conspiritard shit like chemtrails.
Yeah, but like, what about ''Frozen'' teaching our little girls to be lezzies?
Sean Hannity alone lies more than every “left leaning” news outlet combined.

Of course his sheep eat up more fake news, all the guy does is lie or bastardize the truth
So they took a group of supporters, took 91 sites they had in common, took those with relations and grouped them and deemed them all the same across the board.


This isn't remotely scientific.
They're also the people who cry "fake news" the most. Accuse your enemy and all that.
Lol this is literally only a surprise to right wingers. Please, nobody tell them where bears shit.

In their woke minds.

I bet their idea of what counts as "fake news" is:

twitter shitposts
facebook shitposts
visited alex jones youtube clips for laughs


It's the equivalent of russia "hacked the election" because they bought a couple facebook ads.
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