Overhead Squats


Blue Belt
Mar 26, 2002
Reaction score
OMG they are hard as shit. I was only able to do 135 for 4 reps...granted I had never done them before and I warmed up on the movement ad nauseum. Anyway, it was crazy hard...what a movement.
Welcome to the real.
135-pounds for your first overheads is pretty impressive.

I find you really have to watch your shoulder position...especially if you are new to the lift.
I just finished some OHS with a heavy bag...painful, but I feel like every time I do these my flexibility improves a bit and I can squat a little deeper
I love OHS, I'm not sure why I haven't done them lately.
thats where i saw the leprechaun, he told me to burn things
OHS are the shit.

And so am I.

Welcome to that real.
Okay for the n00b's benefit, what's with the "welcome to the real" thing? I feel like I'm missing something.
So it's calling bullocks on the op? (My brain disconnected about an hour ago, hoping it comes back for BJJ this evening).
OHS are awesome. Mine, too, are teh suck, though.

Welcome to the real.