You can’t spread Cancer to others , cancer can be caused by multiple things but it’s avoidable if the blood has a certain PH level it’s very hard to multiply enough , a high PH is necessary for cancer to grow . One’s diet can also trigger cancer ppl poison themselves everyday it’s rushing roulette and the food companies know this bc they work with big pharma so they can treat whoever is unfortunate to trigger cancer . Cancer cures are a sort of myth to me bc the cure is one’s overall internal health there’s many natural remedies that show to have eradicated certain cancers and when you kill your own immune system through chemotherapy and other toxic methods you aren’t really fighting off cancers your making your own natural abilities less effective your prolonging the inevitable.
Simply lower carb intake mainly protein and fats and sugar feeds cancer cells this is just a simple step a common doctor won’t even know bf he tells you about chemo . There’s way to much to get into .
HIV can be passed on and become someone else’s problem,while it’s very small percentage chances slowly growing inside you in cell infection hosts etc ….it’s trickier to get out of your system because it mutates and replicates more proteins in the cell to protect itself from eradication it adapts which is why it’s huge nuisance, unlike cancer cells you literally have to disrupt the nucleus of an hiv cell so it can’t replicate.
There’s a lot of debate on this but as far as I’m concerned it’s a bio weapon engineered by either chance or a very high intelligence, it has gotten weaker though through the decades of recycling it’s not as strong as the initial decades when transfered into another host , if we ever find a specific protein that kills a cell on spot bf it can multiply it would also possibly help and stop future viruses that trick the human body into inviting the cells that invade the body .
Every type of age can be effected by HIV not sure why Mental Illness got such huge votes it’s actually hilarious,Mental Illness isn’t a hidden killer that spreads guys most of it is actually genetic and caused by diet , in fact most the things are contributed to a lack of a body imbalances which can trigger dementia and depression it’s chemical imbalances a simple blood test could reveal but most just start popping pills which only treats it it doesn’t correct whatever the person actually naturally needs in the body . Most ppl with mental illness don’t even seek help as opposed to the cancer patients or poor sick HIV individuals hoping they last it out ( you can there’s ways ) .