Origin of Huge if true???


Orange Belt
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
I see this line used alot in this forum, where did it come from originally???
The rumors about me & Rin Nakai.
It started from a thread about Anik re-signing with the UFC.
It originated when Joe Rogan said Cyborg has a penis. And people were imagining the size of her penis. And they were like.............. "Huge If true!"
It is a sherdog thing. Like groundhog expert. Think lethal (or some other mod) first reply in a rumor thread was "huge if true" then sherdog did its thing and everyone else repeated it...
It originated when Joe Rogan said Cyborg has a penis. And people were imagining the size of her penis. And they were like.............. "Huge If true!"

True if huge, otherwise probably just a large clit.
Where is TJ Grant?
I remember when i got dubs for posting that.
It was something Tonto said.