Ordering Winning Gloves


White Belt
Feb 7, 2017
Reaction score
So I'm sure this thread has been on here multiple times.... BUT I went to the Ratouken Market or however you spell it looking for Winning Hook and Loop gloves but they didn't have any 16 oz gloves that were hook and loop (that I could find) and I don't have money to do 300+ dollars for custom ones. I found another website that sells Winning Gloves, but I didn't know if they were like real Winning Gloves. Posting the link if anyone can look or has experience with ordering them. Thanks!

Last I heard, Kozuji.com is legit for Winning gear.
Go with koubudo at Rakuten, best prices, quick service. Kozuji a bit pricey in my opinion.
god its crazy how the green gloves cost double what white gloves cost what a total rip off!!!
god its crazy how the green gloves cost double what white gloves cost what a total rip off!!!
You sure you're not looking at the different OZ glove and the different style gloves....
man seems like winnings went up i was gonna get a pair of 16 oz whites usually they are like 200-220 website saying 270 wtf anyone know of cheaper place or how often they do sales?
Which website?

kozuji.com im torn between solid white or the pacman green im gonna wait till i can find a 16 oz white for 220 or under but since winnings are so good could i get by with using 14oz for sparring? im a 170 walking around n fightshape around 195
kozuji.com im torn between solid white or the pacman green im gonna wait till i can find a 16 oz white for 220 or under but since winnings are so good could i get by with using 14oz for sparring? im a 170 walking around n fightshape around 195
Get 16oz., man...

Why don't you get it from Koubudo? It's cheaper than kozuji.
kozuji.com im torn between solid white or the pacman green im gonna wait till i can find a 16 oz white for 220 or under but since winnings are so good could i get by with using 14oz for sparring? im a 170 walking around n fightshape around 195
Also, I think you might be the only person in the world who gains a significant amount of weight for fights. I'd like to hear more about that.
Also, I think you might be the only person in the world who gains a significant amount of weight for fights. I'd like to hear more about that.

lol i walk around around 200 and fight 170 i need least 4 weeks so i diet down to about 190 then cut 20 the last 5 days
lol i walk around around 200 and fight 170 i need least 4 weeks so i diet down to about 190 then cut 20 the last 5 days

If that's true, you're going to die.... a cut of 20lbs in 5 days is incredibly dangerous. I Really feel your coach is letting you down in that aspect if he is allowing you to do that.
If that's true, you're going to die.... a cut of 20lbs in 5 days is incredibly dangerous. I Really feel your coach is letting you down in that aspect if he is allowing you to do that.

r u serious? my team mates do much more alan belcher use t cut 18 n a day lol i follow the same protocol that almost every pro does nowadays almost all cut about 15-20 the last week by cutting my sodium and carbs the final week i start the cut sunday at 190 by thursday morning im usually 181 or so then just have t cut 10 pounds of water weight in 24 hours its not fun but its part of the game right
r u serious? my team mates do much more alan belcher use t cut 18 n a day lol i follow the same protocol that almost every pro does nowadays almost all cut about 15-20 the last week by cutting my sodium and carbs the final week i start the cut sunday at 190 by thursday morning im usually 181 or so then just have t cut 10 pounds of water weight in 24 hours its not fun but its part of the game right

The difference is you and your team mates most likely aren't pros, your diets and water intakes aren't meticulous planned and monitored. Our gym owner generally doesn't let people do more than a 10-15lb cut for a fight over a few weeks.
The difference is you and your team mates most likely aren't pros, your diets and water intakes aren't meticulous planned and monitored. Our gym owner generally doesn't let people do more than a 10-15lb cut for a fight over a few weeks.

i train with some of the top fighters on the planet i dont wana post ufc fighters names out there but yeah almost everyone follows this program i prefer to have at least 6 weeks if im gonna have to lose 30 pounds but i can do it in 4 weeks 15 pounds in 5 days is a breeze 20 isnt fun. anymore than 20 scares me. also the size of the person matters as well. 135ers dont cut as much as guys my size ect.

only fighter ill mention is alan belcher. he was walking around at 235 pounds cutting to 185. his goal in camp was to get down to 207 2 days before weigh ins and hed cut like 18-20 his last day. alans a big guy though really big 185er. i cant cut 20 in a day, most iv done was 17 and i learnt my limit was only 12 max n a day.
If you train with some of the top fighters on the planet, wouldn't you just ask them the questions you ask on here? The majority of them would know more about gear than most of us would.
just because i ask doesnt mean im completely ignorant everyone has an opinion and most top guys i train with have winning gloves and wont let anyone use them which is understandable due to price

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