opinions needed, teachinmg a 3-1/2 year old


Tudo Bem Bjj
Jul 17, 2002
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what is your opinion.
i have been training ny little girl since she was 2, she is now 3-1/2.
she can do the armbar from mount, ankle lock and rear naked choke.
she does as good as she can for her size, she nows the jab and stright right punches, and the low kick, her technique is fair, but she loves it.
opinion needed is: do you think she is too young and may possibly hurt someone at preschool?
so far i have taught her not to usde it against anyone, especially the choke, she hasd had a few little fights and she punched and kicked only, she took up for herself against some boys and a 5 year old, she was the one that did the best in the fights. :)
please give opinions, my wife is on my rear about teaching her.
guardpasser said:
what is your opinion.
i have been training ny little girl since she was 2, she is now 3-1/2.
she can do the armbar from mount, ankle lock and rear naked choke.
she does as good as she can for her size, she nows the jab and stright right punches, and the low kick, her technique is fair, but she loves it.
opinion needed is: do you think she is too young and may possibly hurt someone at preschool?
so far i have taught her not to usde it against anyone, especially the choke, she hasd had a few little fights and she punched and kicked only, she took up for herself against some boys and a 5 year old, she was the one that did the best in the fights. :)
please give opinions, my wife is on my rear about teaching her.
she needs to understand that what you are teaching her is for the last resort

being only 3.5 so odds are she isn't going to understand that yet. Be careful what you teach her. She could easily RNC a kid and not let go because she simply can not comprehend what it can do.

and you will be held liable if that happens.
just make sure you explain how dangerous the submissions are to her. thats a really early start, she wont need an older brother to look out for her.
My opinion would be stop until she's 6
idk when ur that young you dont really know what you really like maybe she says she likes it because u force her to do it. But i mean it wouldnt hurt if u waited a few years and ask her then u would know for sure if she enjoys it. But wtf do i know im only 14
Actually now that I think about it, my daughter is 4 1/2. I never teach her anything, but she watches ppvs with me and fights on tv. She also likes to watch me train. Everyone once in a while she'll throw a leg over our shih tzu's neck and say, "Look daddy, a triangle." Then she throws on the circle, rectangle, and square on the poor dog too. I don't know what those are, but the look on the dog's face seems like they work.
I think it's great thing to teach if you can do it correctly and teach the mental with the physical. Just don't make her turn out like this guy.
I wouldn't have taught a kid that small to do joint locks or chokes - kids' joints are horribly weak, so just one half-assed armbar would probably break the arm and she and you would be in trouble. And her choking a kid out - man, that would freak people out.

Instead, stick to teaching her to punch, kick and wrestle - things that probably won't hurt other kids bad but will be very valuable if she wants to fight in any way later, and also far more than enough for her to bulldoze all the other kids.
never too young but i guess position > submission especially when teaching little ones.

my instructor has a son i guess about 2 years old and sometimes they roll around together on the mat before class, and without wanting to sound like a big girls blouse it's actually really sweet watching them.
You taught a 3 1/2 year old RNC? Are you fucking stupid? I mean, I'm sorry, I know I am a new guy around here, but that is possibly one of the most irresponsible things I have ever read. Kids that age do not even have the right muscle development to deal with any kind of choke, and it wouldn't be unthinkable for her to slap a RNC on a kid her own age and crush their windpipe.

Teaching kids that young how to throw, punch, kick and pin is fine. Teaching a kid that young submissions, especially chokes, is absolutely ignorant and irresponsible. You're wife is right to be on your ass and obviously she should be on it a lot more than she is.

I don't know wher your from, but you need to keep in mind that if she ever hurt someone (Or worse) you could stand to lose custody of her. In the kind of work that I do, I am a mandatory reporter, and if I ever saw someone teaching a 3 1/2 year old how to choke someone, I would have go to my supervisor.

It's dangerous and stupid.
jiujitsujayhawk said:
Darkslide632 said:
I would have go to my supervisor.
Oh, no. Not the supervisor. Anything but the supervisor.
Don't forget the cover sheet on your TPS report.

I was told I could read this forum at ... at a reasonable level.. so I don't see..
why I can't read this forum because I was told...
Do not compare a school shooting to teaching a kid the rear naked choke. That is the worst analogy you could have made.

I actually removed that comment before I saw your post because i decided it was a little strong - however the point was not comparing the two acts (although the RNC is a move made to knock out and kill someone) i was saying that parents are sometimes ignorent of how trustworthy their kids are, I used an extream example of that and you misinterpreted the point.

that being said - i do thing it was too strong and retracted it myself.

I don't however back down on the argument at hand.
Terrier said:
I actually removed that comment before I saw your post because i decided it was a little strong - however the point was not comparing the two acts (although the RNC is a move made to knock out and kill someone) i was saying that parents are sometimes ignorent of how trustworthy their kids are, I used an extream example of that and you misinterpreted the point.

that being said - i do thing it was too strong and retracted it myself.

I don't however back down on the argument at hand.
No, I do understand what you were trying to say. But basing the idea that teaching the choke will kill someone, on a case that 99.9% of kids don't do doesn't really work.
i think you guys are way over reacting. there is nothing wrong with a father teaching his child a sport he loves, and apparently so does she. and what's with all these "what ifs"? i bet more kids get injured or possibly worse from the monkey bar, or the swing set at the playground. i don't see you guys huffing and puffing about that. another thing, if my kid got into a fight and kicked some ass, i'd be a little proud too, i wouldn't show it in front of my kid, i'd tell my kid to never do that again, but deep down, you want to smile a little. as long as he emphasizes the importance of being responsible, that it's a sport and not to be used on other kids, let the father and daughter bond.
original poster,

I have kids too. I teach them basic punches, kicks, positioning in BJJ. However, teaching them chokes at this age is plain stupid on your part. A 3.5 year old should not be getting into fights. Here you are proud that she is winning fights, but too blind to question yourself why she is getting into fights to begin with? If it is other people's fault, then talk to their teachers or parents.

I am more interested in teaching my kids science, math, and creativity. Sure, martial arts teaching is good also, but it really doesn't prepare them for a solid future academically speaking.