On the 7th My GF is going to go to dinner with me and my parents then let me watch UFC alone


Jul 19, 2014
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I think I might marry this girl. Gonna eat amazing food on my parents dime then go home and get drunk while watching UFC 226 and my girlfriend is like you do you babe.

Pics of girls parents or didn't happen.
yeah she'll be with me while you're alone watching guys hump eachother.

nah love ya bud.
What's up. How come you guys don't watch it together?

If I had a girlfriend I would want her to watch it with me and enjoy the fights together. It is cool that she is meeting your parents are you guys going to get married?

What's up. How come you guys don't watch it together?

If I had a girlfriend I would want her to watch it with me and enjoy the fights together. It is cool that she is meeting your parents are you guys going to get married?


She has to work that Saturday and also Sunday for a conference at Duke.
Watching UFC and Formula 1 is the only time I get to myself without my gf. It's glorious
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So you are going to watch UFC alone?

I stopped reading at "my gf".


It's a trap! Get out while you can!
None of my friends watch UFC anymore either.
My viewing has dropped off dramatically. One of the reasons is that I sort of gave up looking around here (around where I live, that is) for other fans. So yeah, me either.