OMG, CHECK THIS! Vin Diesel - oldskool breakdancing...


Magic Man

This ranks as one of the funniest clips I have ever seen.

It is a corny look at the break dancing of days gone by in the 70s and 80s, vin diesel comes in part way thru just have to check it out.

- magic.
Originally posted by IronLung
Oh my god!! Where in hell did you find that?!

Haha, I found it on a UG dance site.

FTYD, there's actually this little kid in the video clip that looks just like that fella haha.

- m
That "fella" as you call him, is none other than the world renowned and "method"-trained actor and fire arm enthusiast, Gary Coleman.
Originally posted by Magic Man

FTYD, there's actually this little kid in the video clip that looks just like that fella haha.

- m

HAHAHA and therefore, I actually dloaded the shit. Not bad, gotta love the three ho's and the dove HAHAHAHA
Originally posted by FightTilYouDie

HAHAHA and therefore, I actually dloaded the shit. Not bad, gotta love the three ho's and the dove HAHAHAHA

HAHAHA, no shit, those 3 hussies had me laughing my tits off.

- m
Originally posted by Meat Fist
That "fella" as you call him, is none other than the world renowned and "method"-trained actor and fire arm enthusiast, Gary Coleman.

didn't he beat up one of his female fans?

He's a certified midget isn't he?

- m
Thats a great instructional by big Vin!

I saw this on the overground, hope it was you who posted it on there otherwise taking credit for someone elses post is sacrilige!

Heathen! :D
I'm not sure if his certification is in or not, besides you acquire fake documents easily enough in Hollywood. Hell I have an Oscar. Also I think his heart condition caused his stunted growth which would negate his admission into the midgetry.

I don't recall if he slapped the shit out of a female fan, that may well have been Herve Villechaise (sp?), the diminutive "Tattoo" from Fantasy Island. The man was a vicious animal.
Originally posted by Meat Fist
I'm not sure if his certification is in or not, besides you acquire fake documents easily enough in Hollywood. Hell I have an Oscar...

Bullshit Meatfist, I saw you act in the godfather, you deserve every inch of that gold plated lead statue.

- m

PS. steelcity, I didn't get it from there, I got the clip from another board lol - and i was compelled to post it here so that we may bask in Vin's oldskool coolness :D
His co-star of Different strokes 'Willis' got strung out on crack and I believe the girl on the show also was a crack fiend.

Gary Coleman had a website on the internet I'll try and find it again, anyways last xmas you could enter a prize draw on there, the winner got to have him come help you christmas shopping dressed as one of Santas little helpers.

I hate xmas shopping, but maybe if I was with gary he could have scored us some crack and maybe growled at people in queues so we could jump em, hmmmm!
Wonder if he's the little fucker who tells Santa to give people shitty jumpers for xmas, from that picture I'd say all signs would point to yes.