Oh thank god, Disney is going to remake Bambi.

Bambi, as a work of art, is one of the most chill movies ever. It is such a warm feel good movie, awesome music, awesome ambience and great art. After I graduated high school and was smoking pot, I used to usually go swimming and then smoke a blunt and cuddle with my girl and watch this in bed. Good times. You just can't beat the old movies like Bambi, Dumbo, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White in terms of vibe.
I want to see michael Bay's bambi
Sure, but they’ll spend the rest of the movie villainizing hunters. As a kid, I used to watch Disney hunting shows. Now look at the trash they spew, trying to pussify the next generation.

You said it, man. The world isn’t exactly like it was when I grew up and that’s threatening to me. So I’m going to be made at it and blame everyone but myself.
Bambi remake starring Tom Hanks, Finn Wolfhard, The Rock and Will Smith.
I've yet to watch a single live action remake from Disney. Am I missing anything?
Bambi, as a work of art, is one of the most chill movies ever. It is such a warm feel good movie, awesome music, awesome ambience and great art. After I graduated high school and was smoking pot, I used to usually go swimming and then smoke a blunt and cuddle with my girl and watch this in bed. Good times. You just can't beat the old movies like Bambi, Dumbo, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White in terms of vibe.
really makes you respect artists and writers back then they actually gave a shit about being the best and providing the best films they had dignity and pride about their work
Hollywood is creatively dead.
Must! Exploit! Name! Property!

So much financial security without taking any risk!
really makes you respect artists and writers back then they actually gave a shit about being the best and providing the best films they had dignity and pride about their work
You aint kidding. And as a musician and composer, I can tell you the level of music is so far beyond what is done today in scores. Any modern film composer will tell you the same thing. Now, the level of compositions is so frail and all reliant on computers and sound design, where as back then the composers actually knew how to write music on the level of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. I guess we just live live in different times. For all the ways technology has helped us, it has certainly made us soft in others.
Drawn Disney movies are timeless.

All of this live-action garbage is completely unnecessary.
Bambi and The Fox and the Hound portrayed hunters as villians.
About time we set the record straight on alpha Bambi. Ladies been done appropriated that name for years.

I've yet to watch a single live action remake from Disney. Am I missing anything?
Literally no.
Will Bambi be a gender neutral, asexual deer of color?

If not, not interested.

you know it. Bambi will most certainly become a black deer.

mans her mom will be shot by a the most villainous looking white guy in a MAGA hat they can drum up.
A transgendered ebony dear as Bambi


They and Them the gender neutral lesbian Candian snow owls..


Petunia the lovable, but oppressed African American Skunk


Thumper the Muslim Rabbit


and Bambi's enemy/antagonist Ronno played by the over privileged American albino buck

Well done sir.
That was hilarious.
I've yet to watch a single live action remake from Disney. Am I missing anything?

Nope.The remakes have been the definition of lazy.The photorealistic CGI also doesn't work since the talking animals cant show emotions, like the hand-drawn versions could.
I see two hippie-sounding women are writing so I expect the movie to be about the animals uniting to kill the (white male) hunter while Bambi lectures the audience about feminism and social justice