I also like to do inclinded side leg rasies.
Basicly, lay on your back with your head at the top of the inclide. Hopefully you will have somthing to hold on to at the top...
Twist your torso so that you legs are on top of each other
Now bring your heels towards your butt and twist your torso so that your knees go to your chest at the some time.
stand upright, grab a dumbell in one hand. put your other hand on the back of your head and your elbow straight out, now tilt your torso/head sideways and you'll be like, doing the oblique. those shits will get big very easily so beware.
Side press, bent press, windmill, saxon side bends, russian twists, full contact twists, cyclones, iron power coil things from the linked thread. That should get you started.
Ab-wheel or even Ab-wheel to the side. And in my experience nothing hits your core more than putting weights overhead. Well, maybe you can even say, that any exercise, where you have to stabilize big weights with your core has a bigger effect than direct abwork. Which doesnt mean, that you should neglegect it.
When your start training your core Heavy the difference is amazing and you really get in touch with your abs/core. I've looked up and started doing one-arm side bends, side presses, and the saxon bend as well as experimenting with rotational exercises with a resistance band and wow your abs grow fast. I got motovated after reading Entrophy's/Urbans exchange in the hernia thread which you should look at.
I recently started using Saxxon side bends in place of normal ones and have to say the difference is startling, just using a tiny weight it feels like my obliques are just going to give up. Got to thank Urban for directing me to these.
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