Notorious Nate Diaz

Kick Strickland

Mar 9, 2015
Reaction score
I say we keep calling him that until it sticks and ppv commentators start to call him that too.

Because I've seen fighters take opponent's title shots, take their belts, take their fame, take their money, even take their girl....but I've never seen somebody get owned so bad they took their name :D

145ers should now callout Nate as the rightful 145 champ
kicking ass and taking names.

Nathan Bless
I say we keep calling him that until it sticks and ppv commentators start to call him that too.

Because I've seen fighters take opponent's title shots, take their belts, take their fame, take their money, even take their girl....but I've never seen somebody get owned so bad they took their name :D
I'm diggin' it, Brah!

The way Notorious Nate Diaz took Conor's soul is deserving of stripping Conor of his undeserved nickname!
Fucking IN I support this new nick name
"Notorious" Nate "The Nick-name Taker" Diaz. Its a stretch, or a choke.
I like it. Nate should have something to claim after that fight.
On board!

Actually fits a diaz bro better anyway with hell they raise outside octagon.
Hopefully this leads to another "who the fuck calls me diablo?" diaz brother moment
Conor "Mystic Pizza" McGregor is my favorite Julia Roberts film.
TS, ur evil. I like u.
If "Notorious" fits anyone in the UFC its the Diaz Bros.

Hell yeah. It's such a shame that such a bad ass nickname got stuck with a guy that's not really the bad ass that the Diaz Bros are.
It actually fits him better than Conor lol… I can even hear it now.
its got a fuckin ring to it
We also need to rename Conor "mouth of the south" south Ireland that jimmy heart. (I was like 8 years old when I watched wwf okay)