Hammer_Fist said:They make this stuff, I think it's called Kenshield... It looks like shaving cream. You put it all over your arms and legs, face and neck, and it protects against ringworm. It costs like 12 bucks a bottle, but lasts like 6 weeks or more. After you get rid of your ringworm, try kenshield to keep from getting it again.
regan said:iodine dries out the area well.
The Sickness said:Clorox bleach...
anthony27 said:I've done this before and it works like a charm.
Ringworm is fuckign gross ass shit. You have to constantly worry about changing your sheets watch you don't spread it to other parts of yourself, it sucks real bad. If you don't want to wait a few weeks to get rid of that crap and don't mind a little pain you can get rid of it in under 5 minutes using the bleach method. Just take a capfull of bleach and take a q-tip and apply directly onto the entire area of the ringworm. Make sure you make a few applications. It will begin to burn like hell. That's ok the tingling is telling you it's working. make sure you've fully removed the ringworm from your skin. It should take a couple of minutes with constant rubbing in a circular motion. After it's fully fubar and you feel like you've removed enough flesh. Wash the area with soap and water and and you're good to go. It'll scab up like you scraped your knee. And the good news is the ringworm is gone in under 5 minutes.
sylva said:When i rub the area with bleach, will i physically be able to take a worm from under the skin or will the are a just kind of "dislove" and i need to keep doing it till i feel that it is gone?
Ok, thank you for setting me straight. So just rub it till the area is completely gone it take it. Im going to be doing this asap.satchmo said:The "worm" is actually a fungus, so there is no actual worm.