Non technical big strong fighters who destroyed more technical guy?


Jul 17, 2017
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Bob Sapp before he started losing on purpose was awesome. yeah he trained a little but he had no ground game.

ngannou basically has no real ground game

list some great fights that went down like this
“Big” in a metaphorical sense...

Assuredly that guy is more technical...
“Big” in a metaphorical sense...

Assuredly that guy is more technical...

wow, i never saw that gif before

I don't know whats worse, the way he reaches so far for the uppercut, or the fact that after throwing a double jab he left his arm at his waist

I still respect him for having the balls to try a second MMA fight though
wow, i never saw that gif before

I don't know whats worse, the way he reaches so far for the uppercut, or the fact that after throwing a double jab he left his arm at his waist

I still respect him for having the balls to try a second MMA fight though

Why? He gets $500,000 and can tap out anytime he feels uncomfortable.
One of my first lays was kind of slutty. She was technically way more skilled than me, but I beat her with sheer size, and brute force. It was pretty magical.
Lots of Reem losses

not what i am looking for. Overeem is now the better striker than ngannou or anyone he faced but ngannou and other guys who tko or KO him these past years have all either been good strikers for decade or tons of experience with it for 2 decades like rothwell and are themselves mass HW at highest level of mma.

when overeem lost to arona, lil nog etc or shogun it was earlier his career and he did not lose to someone less technical or skilled than him and his loss was not result of being Bob sapped or lesnared like brock did to Mir. Shogun was also not bigger than overeem and neither was arona but they were better fighters and more technical.
wow, i never saw that gif before

I don't know whats worse, the way he reaches so far for the uppercut, or the fact that after throwing a double jab he left his arm at his waist

I still respect him for having the balls to try a second MMA fight though

Why do you respect him? He makes a joke of our apoet. Guys bleed and sweat for their entire lives to make it to the UFC. This unathletic slugs has the nerve to try and come in with zero talent, zero training, no natural gifts. Nothing.

And you can bet your ass he wouldn't do it for the 40/40 other guys accept. He does it for half a million knowing he can give up when it starts to hurt.

I would fight Francis Ng for half of that money. Am I brave?