Social Newsweek: Donald Trump's Approval Rating Surpasses Obama's, Not Just On Rasmussen Reports

This is Trumpisum deny data tell everyone that things are way better then it is and push the message that your the only way to turn the Country around while lying your a$$ off. Trump even details about making promise and not doing them in his book "Art of the deal" he talked about how he got his start and detailed how he would win deals by promising things he knew could not really be delivered. The idea was to win the contract but he also described his reasoning that every other building was doing the same thing and that they also knew they could not achieve it. He said that the people who was looking for the work was familiar with this type of negotiation and they had no problem with it. Basically what he was saying everyone was lying and it came down to who was lying the least and getting the person who was issuing the contract to accept it. He even talked about how he would drop sub-contractors who he felt was not finishing the job fast enough or in to his liking. The problem with this logic was he was doing this a lot something like 1,000's of times and that tons of sub-contractors refuse to work with him because of being burned by him. It looked like he was timing these breaks with sub-contractors to switch and save millions by switching contractors midstream so you did not have to pay full price. The guy believes Washington works the same way lie, lie, lie and everyone will accept it because this is how Washington works. The problem is 78 percent of his staff left many because they cannot take it anymore with the massive amounts of lying.

This has got to be the worst post EVER CREATED.

I don't mean the content.....I mean the Structure....the Grammar.....EVERYTHING!

You are a blight against Humanity, sir, for hurting our eyes with this wall-of-text.
They will never learn.

It got so bad in the last election cycle, the companies like CNN actually had to start giving disclaimers that they were oversampling from Democrats, making their polls even more worthless.
There was a really big ignorance problem in the public, too. People have a really hard time understanding that there are more Democrats than Republicans, so when they see raw data showing different results than the properly weighted final product, they flip out.

Also, oversampling is typically used when you want to get an accurate opinion from a small group. So if Bargnofarbins are only 1% of the population, but you want to find out what Barnofarbins think about the election, your sample has to include way more Bargnofarbins, whose answers you will re-weight down to their 1% size later on.
I know all about problems in polls, I wouldn't trust an individual poll as far as I could throw it. I was quoting him to take issue with his declaration that polls have a "5-7% bias against Trump". That's a pretty exact number to be throwing out without some sort of evidence. He then responded "November 8, 2016" in a desperate attempt to be clever, when a many polls had it pretty nailed. Trump lost the popular vote and won some swing states by a pittance. It's not like they said he was going to get crushed and he defied all expectations, that's a narrative that both sides took up a little too easily, and the mainstream media didn't help.
Well, I'ma gonna leave you two guys to argue along (in a minute)
I'm not sure how much anyone thinks polls skews towards the progressive side, but I'll give you my amount of how much could fly under the radar: Were I asking the questions most likely I'd get away unscathed with 11 to 15%, almost twice what he thinks lol

Not stating that they do, although I believe so, if I were them I'd most likely pull something like that and there would be little to no way confirming this/denying such data if other media companies also share progressive views.
Let’s go.

No joke, after I referenced flying a kite, my buddy Tom messaged me like, "Hey bro, where is a good place to fly a kite?" I recommend a green field by the OCT.

I also have a friend named Jerry who likes to fly kites with his daughter, Tom and Jerry! These things are also far more important in life than what a bunch of angry and often hateful people think of how popular Trump and Obama are.

I do not care. If I attach my life worth to how popular an idol of power is, what other things will I neglect in life fighting over the popularity of an idol of power? It is like graduating from high school, and deciding, hmm part of growing up must be to invest in a new clique! No, no thanks.

Having a functioning republic means I trust it to function and exercise my right to vote, or not, when the time comes.

Cheers and have a good one.
The economy is going into a recession while Trump has given us record trade and budget deficits on top of his 1.2 trillion dollar tax cut that won't come close to paying for itself, much less the record stock buybacks that resulted from it's implementation.

^^^ cope post

Translation - I’m a sad, angry individual obsessed with homophobic insults, who has not acquired any life skills the public values, so I don’t get to enjoy the current economic prosperity.