Newb Squat Check


Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2006
Reaction score
My third squat session. Go ahead, let me have it.

Honestly, the form looks much better than I expected for a third squat session. I'm not a depth nazi, but you may be a tad high on a couple reps. Try angling your feet a tad bit more and pushing your knees out so you have a pocket to sit back in. It really doesn't look bad to me though. Weight is obviously really light by the speed of your reps.
Honestly, the form looks much better than I expected for a third squat session. I'm not a depth nazi, but you may be a tad high on a couple reps. Try angling your feet a tad bit more and pushing your knees out so you have a pocket to sit back in. It really doesn't look bad to me though. Weight is obviously really light by the speed of your reps.

Thanks. Yeah, I was really shocked when I saw the vid. It feels like im going really deep and then I see the vid and I'm like "WTF?"

Yeah, weight is still light. I figured I got time so I just started light, try and get my form as good as possible and then go up. I been adding 10lb per session.
Sit back more. You're breaking too much with your knees. Break with your hips.
+1 to Oblivian and TrainingAdict's points. Also, it looks like you are losing a bit of the arch in your back as you get to around parallel so once you start breaking parallel you should watch for that. If you start getting a bit of lower back rounding you need to work on your hamstring flexibility.
That's a decent squat man. Only problem I have is the depth because it looks to be just above parallel to me. However, props to you for having that good form on the squat by your third session.
I will think deep thoughts during my next session.
its hard to tell in the video, but are you rocking forward at the bottom of the squat? it kind of looks like your heels are shifting. if so, that will be bad news once the weight gets heavy.

are you wearing running shoes? You should consider getting some chucks or squatting in socks if you're allowed. i guess its a matter of personal preference but certainly worth a try. down the road if you stick with lifting, weightlifting shoes are worth every penny.
Looks good to me, man. But then I'm a Noob as well, so obviously it's the more experianced guys here you have to listen to.

Are you running Starting Strength?
correct me if im wrong, but i don't think you re using your elbows at all. you should try and keep your elbows as vertical and tight as possible and you should use them to push off the bar when you 're ascending. remember that the squat is not just for working out legs.
Your form looks good.

the depth looks fine with me. Try not to let your knees go past your toes. You can help this by diggin in your heels