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May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Jump Rope Srawls....


Ok this was like my third real class at my pankration gym tonight but dear god were those hard on another level that I didnt expect.

I imagine you have all done this before but if you havent you have to give it a try.

You need three people for it and a large jump rope.

First you set the rope tight and inch from the ground and jump side to side ten times (20 jumps) and then turn and jump back and forth ten time (20 jumps)

Then the guys swing the rope around you and you sprawl 10 times while jumping the rope.

Do 5 sets of this.

I am in terrible shape (hence joining a gym and training) so obviously this killed me. But even the dudes in very good shape at my gym find it to be a good warm up before class.
Nice, I've done a similar sort of thing using a training partner lying on the floor instead of a rope, might give thes a go sometime to compare. I like the sprawls with the rope idea, do you do them so that as you go from standing to the ground the rope goes underneath you or do you sprawl and then jump as you get up (sort of like a burpee with a rope to set the pace)?
^^ Exactly,

The Standing to ground motion is when the rope goes underneath you.

Obviously you can have your partners set the pace higher or lower depending on your skills...mine being terrible my rope went fairly slow but its cool because a jump rope can only move so slow before its rendered useless.
Hmm, I wonder if you could get it to work so that the rope goes underneath you on the downwards phase but then also makes you do a tuck jump as you come up. as soon as I'm fit to train again I'll have to play around with these.
No doubt,

I'll keep you posted on how my instructors vary the routine as I get more used to it.