The Superplata sound wicked! I might have to try that...
Don't know about Pele vs Newton. That'd be awesome if you're right.
I had someone asking me if the reverse omoplata was a gi-only technique, because he thought it would be too slippery and insecure.
First off, I just got back no-gi class and got a reverse omoplata, using the exact setup on our site, while sparring with another blue belt. So yes, it works.
Moreover, like everything, it's slippier no-gi, but very workable. I actually first learned this in a no-gi class, and I've gotten it in sparring plenty of times without the gi.
Look at the grips again and you'll see that nothing is gi-dependant (though it obviously helps.)
Saulo Ribeiro shows it in his new no-gi instructional with some different details. He doesn't teach the same ending as shown on our site. Rather than worry too much about pinning the chest, he just practically jumps to his feet, cranking the arm for a fast submission. He also teaches to try to finish it without rolling them to the back, but I don't ever do it this way in training since I don't think it has enough control.
He also royally jacked Jamie Levine with it in the 2004 Pro Ams. Check it out:
Saulo with the crucifix on Jamie. The arm is back.
Harsh finish.
Jamie royally jacked.
I actually know a guy who was afraid to try the reverse omoplata after seeing Saulo obliterate Levine with it, so I showed him the slower, more secure way to do and it he's not worried about it any more.