JeremiahBailey said:
The other day when I got my defective XFGear hoodie, there were samples of Cryogel in it. I ship everything to my parents house because of the inconvenient nature of the Post Office in my town. Anyway, I put my Cryogel samples in a drawer in the kitchen after trying it out. My mom is handicapped, and one of her employees that provides nursing care for her found the cryogel and didn't realize it was mine. So they used it and SHE LOVED IT! In fact, she asked me to order her some off of the Internet. Have you guys thought about marketing your product to physical therapists and the disabled? The only similar product she has used is called Biofreeze, but she says yours not only works better, but smells good. Her paralysis often causes thise unused muscle to become unbearably stiff, and the muscles she can use in her neck, get tired because of the lack of support muscles. Cryogel worked great and smelled great. Just thought you guys would like to know. I'm fairly certain you've just won a repeat customer in my Mom.
Jeremiah, I'm happy to hear the news about the Cryogel.
Our Company (Vitaminerals, Inc.) actually comes from the Chirpractic, Physical Therapist, Message Therapist background. We have a full line of pharmaceutical grade vitamins and topicals, we are also state and federally licensed so we have extremely high standards on how our products are made, the company has also been a family owned company for 75 years.
Biofreeze is the the best selling product in this field (As far as cold theapy topicals are concerned), not because they are the best but because they have, hand down, the most money for advertising. Biofreeze has made it extremely difficult for any other product of this nature to do well in this industy and more power to them.
Cryogel has been around for about a little over twelve years and it was revamped about a year and a half ago. Mike Crawford came up with the two new Cryogels (Lavender & Island Rain) he also came up with the idea of repackaging and aiming it more toward the retail market. It kind of just stumbled on me to get it into the Martial Arts industry because I had been training at Gokor's Team Hayastan for 5 years and I was constantly bathing in the Cryogel and now everyone I know uses it like crazy because everyone is always getting banged up.
As far as comparisons between Cryogel and Biofreeze, Cryogel is way better, it has way more anti-inflammtories and because of the Island Rain & Lavender, you don't have to smell like a medicine cabinet and even if you like the medince cabinet smell, we still have the original.
Sorry this post is so long, but thanks for spreading the word, if you have any questions, feel free to email me at
[email protected]. Thanks again.
Charles DeVos
Accounts Executive
Vitaminerals, Inc.