OMG they talked trash while the national anthem was played ???
Life sentence w/o parole... Are we in america or what ?
Seriously...what's your problem with the national anthem, americans ? You speak of NA and all of a sudden it's eucharistie and shit.
That + words that can be used only by certain people ("
" hahaha I can't even say it on the forum!) + men always crying on TV.... what a weeeeird country. You are only what? 200years old country, and already that fucked up, at this point, it's art... Is that the "greatness" you recovered with Donald aka The Pussy Grabber (who can't even grab his wife's hand) ?
ps: inb4 hate speech, i'm just reaaally confused by your weird customs.
Oh, by the way, this guy Usman is obviously bad at lying.