New Conor head tattoo lol

Own up, which one of you guys is this?

@PROlogic ?
@Notoriouslefthand ?
@NotoriousMillions ?
It was me!

Hurt for a while but it was well worth it !!

You won't know the joys of truly living until you get a tattoo of Conor on you! When are you going to get yours?

Release the bitterness deep within your bum soul and come to the light my friend : )


Say it with me, WAR CONOR!
Posted this a little while back when I got it done
Somebody better tell that fool that Conor doesn't have black hair.

Epic fail, bro!

Plus, the toothpick was Razor Ramon's gimmick... weak sauce.
Please grow your hair long.tnat was fucking stupid.just tell people it's a lion or smtg.
Holy smokes, who gets a tattoo of another man on THEIR HEAD??!!
He better hope his hair does not fall out when he gets older. His SMV just went down BIG LEAGUE, and he is going intel whether he wants to or not.
Ok so who is the poster who got that? Surely that dude is a Sherdogger who posts defending McGregor on here. He couldn't let all the shit we say about him on here slide without being a white knight. That's just ridiculous. Maybe I'm wrong and this place makes him cry it's just too much for him. Definitely banned and is probably lurking lol.
Looks like the model Conor copied his look from .....what a douche bag the guy who got that is.