Need BJJ articles for arguments...


White Belt
Mar 29, 2008
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Well, not really arguments. A few of my co-workers just don't get the sport. Some think I am breaking boards with my head, others think I am just rolling on the floor with other sweaty guys, some think it is not practical and "cooler" martial arts would be better, like, ready for this: ninjitsu, kempo, tai kwon do, kung fu, etc...(not my intent to get into a "what is better?" war)

But more importantly I really want to get across to them the benefits both physically and mentally. How it can change your life. And the advantages for a young child to also start doing BJJ. One coworker was researching for his 5 year old son to do a martial art. He did extensive research and sat in on tons of classes. He told me "BJJ is not really a martial art and even though I see the advantages of being comfortable on the ground, I want something more well-rounded for my son like - ninjitsu" :rolleyes:

Anyone know any good links to articles or posts defending BJJ? how it is life changing? how it can effect an adult AND a child?

I have only been doing it for 4 months, and never in my life have I enjoyed being a part of something as much as this. I sneak out of work to squeeze in an extra class now and then. I blabber to my wife about it all the time. I have been a part of organizations in the past, football, fraternity, only 4 months I feel such a tight bond with my fellow students and the sport as a whole....
You are just rolling on the floor with sweaty guys.
Part of what makes BJJ great is that tools like that don't take it. Appreciate that fact, and ignore your coworkers like everyone else.
You're pretty much wasting your time if you're trying to convert random people to BJJ.
You're pretty much wasting your time if you're trying to convert random people to BJJ.

I am not trying to convert anyone. I can't articulate well all the benefits. I could give a rat's ass about converting them. Just want to better support my arguement.
You are rolling with sweaty guys and develop a mental illness in which you can't articulate arguments...
You should try to convince them to check out a class themselves. Not just sit in, but actually train. When they gas and get their asses handed to them, maybe they'll realize that it's a great workout and that the art is no joke. You could also show them some Gracie in Action footage, or something similar, where the jj guy is beating the shit out of somebody from another art.
You should try to convince them to check out a class themselves. Not just sit in, but actually train. When they gas and get their asses handed to them, maybe they'll realize that it's a great workout and that the art is no joke. You could also show them some Gracie in Action footage, or something similar, where the jj guy is beating the shit out of somebody from another art.

x2 some of the fights with hoyce gracie in the documentary on bjj the realy old one i forget the name of, shows hoyce gracie beating the shit out of instructors from other martial arts, itl get a big point across,
x2 some of the fights with hoyce gracie in the documentary on bjj the realy old one i forget the name of, shows hoyce gracie beating the shit out of instructors from other martial arts, itl get a big point across,

If your trying to get a point across, make sure you use the real name, its Royce..not hoyce

and yeah, those older gracie videos of rorion and royce beating other MA instructors are pretty effective IMO, great...10 years of practicing those flying kicks it did what for you?
I agree with the Gracie in Action matches. That will at least get their attention.
Arrange to have one of the BJJ kids work the ninjitsu instructor...

That's probably the best way. :)
You have got to accept the fact that many people aren't going to get it. Ive tried every trick in the book to get some colleagues, friends etc into bjj but some people just aren't interested no matter what you say to them. Its like trying to convince them god does or doesn't exist (I know its not a very good analogy but it sort of gets the point accross).

Then again, I am really trying to get my wife to try bjj. She gave me the choice to either give jiu jitsu a go for a month or get me a playstation 3, I chose the former. Im crossing my fingers that with a months training, she will be hooked.

After watching a Marcelo HL video, she did pretty well at last Saturdays sparring.
Leave 'em to it- why do you give a f*** either way what they think about it? I mean unless you're looking for sparring partners just enjoy the fact that it's a whole group of people whose asses you can kick.